on 12-06-2015 10:27 AM
With nothing having changed on my end, I don't understand why my ebay sales have crashed ... down to about 15% of what they were before ... profit on my sales now barely cover my monthly ebay anchor store costs ... I'm now earning LESS than $1 per hour !
on 12-06-2015 10:54 AM
on 12-06-2015 10:58 AM
Thank you for joining in ... even without my huge "ON SALE" discounts that I only offer on ebay, my sales outside ebay are going gang-busters ... my ebay sales have been heading downhill for about 3 months now.
on 12-06-2015 11:00 AM
Hey all you buyers out there can you please help out my friend pinnacle and buy something.
on 12-06-2015 11:02 AM
Even I can not predict the future and don't know what I would have sold since 1/7/15??
on 12-06-2015 11:03 AM
Hey, that is so nice of you ... I was just expecting other sellers to tell me where I might be going wrong!
on 12-06-2015 11:14 AM
Like you and many other sellers on these boards over the past couple of months our ebay sales are also down by about 85% or so.
We are trying to build our off-ebay sales now but its early days for us.
If your off-ebay sales are going gangbusters then you at least have that to fall back on. That is our plan now for the future. Good onya for forward planning and not putting all your eggs in one basket as we have erroneously done up until now.
If we can get our off-ebay sales to go gangbusters like yours we will likely drop ebay selling altogether. Its just far too stressful for the meagre returns.
My personal theory is that buyers are deserting ebay as a place to buy in droves. The site is full of glitches and is very difficult for a buyer to navigate. We have lots of buyers making errors when trying to buy especially the newbies. We are often asked for advice on how to do this or that when buying.
So why would they persist when they can often find the same items on other web sites with far less buying hassles. And as often as not cheaper too.
Google is your friend for product searches not Cassini these days.
on 12-06-2015 11:41 AM
What a pity if ebay were to go down!
I enjoy the interaction with ebayers who are, in the main, great to deal with.
The problem seems to be that ebay no longer has a point of difference and they just down have the "traffic" to support sellers who are in business to sell product, not just a "garage sale" event. I have seen shopping malls suffer the same fate as they age.
on 12-06-2015 11:54 AM
The traffic is there but alot of sellers are complaining about the throttling that's happening and not too mention the fees,placement,this and that and so on and so on arh time for a cuppa lol
on 12-06-2015 11:56 AM
I must agree that the ebay systems have become too complicated and even the ebay help desk staff aften dont have a clue.