Watch it! Paypal reversals tonight again

It's glitch time again for sellers. l just watched two paypal payments get reversed in front of my eyes. At least this time l haven't sent the goods out.

One buyer has contacted me to ask why l reversed their payment (l didn't).

One reversal shows as the blue and white logo, the other shows as 'paid' but the transaction in paypal is reversed.


Keep your eye on it, folks.

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Watch it! Paypal reversals tonight again

More glitches - I'm back into my account after a couple of hours of "information not available" only to find that sold items are showing on unsold lists and with conflicting sale prices and numbers of bidders in the same items.    No idea what's what at the moment. 

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Watch it! Paypal reversals tonight again

l am miffed beyond belief at this repeat glitch from paypal.

l jumped the gun once l saw the two payments. l've been at work all day so when l got home and saw 7 paid sales, l went to C&S and purchased labels, ready to pack the goods.

Of course, now two are reversed and one buyer is refusing to repay and says they don't want the item anymore 'due to my error and mucking around'.


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Watch it! Paypal reversals tonight again

It could be at ebay's side as Friday afternoon/evening is maintenance time.

Can last about 2-3 hours.

image host
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Watch it! Paypal reversals tonight again

Community Member

Yep, last Friday I was told it was eBay Software upgrades that did it ๐Ÿ˜ž



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