We have ripped off before. let's rip you off a little more

Community Member

"Dear" Ebay,

Well done Ebay. For once again ripping off sellers on here.

I recall just a short while ago you stating that an increase in fees was to reduce seller costs?? Never figured out hey that worked.

You reduced store fees saying how great that was and just a few weeks later you decide to double them. AGAIN.

Do you ever stop lying to sellers and stating totally false facts about costs and dribbling how you are "helping" sellers?

Your statement releaseed today states "the increase became necessary as the fee changes made earlier this year (most of which were reductions) " SAY WHAT???

Would you mind telling me where there were reductions in anyones fees???? You nearly doubled them up to 7%!!.

Ebay, do you ever tire of lying and treating sellers as though they are morons who cant count??

My fees have gone up a whopping 80% in the last couple of months and now you intend to increase yet again!.

To now sell one item is costing a massive $140 in fees alone. And Ebay calls itself a cheap place to buy items?? I charge far more online then privately now due to the ridiculous fee costs.

Thank you for paying no attention to our complaints Ebay and now delte anything that critisizes you.

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We have ripped off before. let's rip you off a little more

Community Member

I have been reading the many discussions re the eBay store fee hikes. Most are saying it is only an extra $25.00 a month, but in reality that is incorrect. Not so long ago there was a choice of 3 store levels - basic, featured, anchor. Basic was $19.95 - Featured was $49.95 (admit no idea as to Anchor) What eBay did in effect was - remove basic - no choice to anybody, simply no more basic but the opportunity to upgrade to featured that was being dropped to $24.95 - of course now (3 months later) it is back where it always was at $49.95, so eBay have effectively raised store choice prices from $19.95 - to $49.95 and no one notices because everyone had already HAD to upgrade to featured, and was used to paying $24.95 - hence the clever little 3 month period lulling us into a false sence of savings.

Message 31 of 44
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We have ripped off before. let's rip you off a little more

Obviously, eBay wants people who only sell small number of items while listing many, to close their stores.  To run a web site costs money, and millions of listed items that are not selling is waste of their money.  So you guys who are closing your stores, are doing exactly what they want you to do.

However, doubling the store fee should not mean that sellers have to double their prices!!!  The cost of store should be only very small percentage of your price, so doubling it should only increase you price by few cents.


Voltaire: โ€œThose Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocitiesโ€ .
Message 32 of 44
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We have ripped off before. let's rip you off a little more

These changes will affect different sellers in different ways, for some it's yet another increase, for others - especially those who had stores prior to featured becoming the only option (aside from anchored), the change may not be as bad as you think. (I realise this won't apply to everybody - in particular media sellers and those whose items are priced at an average of $75 or more and were once paying FVF on a sliding scale, as well as those that opened stores after the store fees were restructured a couple of months ago - this is more aimed at everyone closing up shop that are saying they've been here for years, but the doubling of the store fee is too much...)

This is just an example, the figures are arbitrary and based on a small hobby store, but if anyone here has had a store longer than 3 months, I would suggest you do similar comparisons using your own figures rather than focussing on the doubling of the store fee.

A comparison of the original fee structure, using the following numbers: store fee, plus listing fees, plus final value fees based on an average of 100 items listed, average price of $20, with an average of 35 sales a month.

Original Store fee = $19.95

+ Listing Fees = $40.00

+ FVF = $55.30



Intermediate Store fee = $24.95

+ listing fees = $20.00

+ FVF = $49.00



Current Store fee = $49.95

+ listing fees = $20.00

+ FVF = $49.00



That's an overall $3 increase in total fees paid - if you actually list more on average, and you have higher average sales / sell prices, the store will still be cheaper overall than it was when subscription fees were $19.95. (eg 250 listings per month + 80 sales @$30 each - old store = $309.55; current store $267.95).

If it was worth it 3-4 months ago, it just may be that it still is.

Message 33 of 44
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We have ripped off before. let's rip you off a little more

My sales are down over 25% because of the global finance situation, Also My sales are down another 30% because of eBay prices hikes. I am loosing interest real quick. There is just not the profit margin to sper me on. Greed is what its all about with eBay. What do they do with all this money, Never see any donations to charity. Thats the Problem with this word, Greed. And eBay are a good example. How long will this be posted EBay until you delete it.

Message 34 of 44
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We have ripped off before. let's rip you off a little more

In many ways online marketplaces have opened up the gate to higher imports meaning lower priced local items on the 2nd hand market. Add subsidized international postage rates by Aus Post for their o/seas customers at their Australian customers expense and then that's a recipe for failure of our online network.

The ebay price rises are really neither here nor there compared to the monopoly Aus. Post pricing we have to put up with.

Message 35 of 44
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We have ripped off before. let's rip you off a little more

Don't forget to factor in the PayPal fees too.... ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 36 of 44
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We have ripped off before. let's rip you off a little more

Who are Etsy.?

Message 37 of 44
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We have ripped off before. let's rip you off a little more

Community Member

It is pretty clear that just about no one is happy selling on Ebay anymore. Of course, dear Ebay will not care less about that. Let's face it, they have never heard of customer service.

Store fees are the least of the problems as far as fees go. Its the disgraceful 7% that is the real killer these days. And then the double dipping of paypal (which useless as you are already covered by Ebay for sales)

I found out about 2 years ago that Ebay was wanting all sellers gone and to leave only 2-3 major sellers from each catagory. All the hints seem to point clearly to this.

The best way to stop Ebay ripping everyone off is with our feet as I shall be doing. There are other far cheaper sites out there which will grow with the more people who start shopping there for cheaper prices.

Perhaps then they will wake up to their attitude and drop fees drastically to a fairer level.

Fees should be capped to a maximum of $50 at best. Store fees should not exist.

Billions of dollars profit for Ebay who has basically no running costs as they have zero customer service etc. It's all online and advertising. Every other business would love to only have that.

I cant see Ebay lasting past another couple of years with the fees going up every few months. Only a fool would buy on Ebay for much longer. A smart buyer would ask the seller how much to buy privately and save a bundle of money of anything over $700 or so.

Show some respect for sellers and buyers Ebay!!

Message 38 of 44
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We have ripped off before. let's rip you off a little more

Who are Etsy.?

Google it ๐Ÿ™‚


Voltaire: โ€œThose Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocitiesโ€ .
Message 39 of 44
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We have ripped off before. let's rip you off a little more

Greed is what its all about with eBay. What do they do with all this money, Never see any donations to charity.

eBay is a company with many shareholders; if you think that eBay is making too much profit, then why not invest in eBay shares rather than in stock, which you say you cannot make profit on?

eBay provides a service for a fee, if you cannot afford their fee that is not their problem or their fault.  Do you expect to be able to advertise here for nothing?


Voltaire: โ€œThose Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocitiesโ€ .
Message 40 of 44
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