What is this 85c fee for?

Community Member

I've just sold an item for $122, the summary says for the month of May to date,  I have sold 1 item.....$121.15 (0.85c deducted)



I always try to list for free, and its not the FVF. I've been offering "free post" for a while as I build that cost into my price. 


Has this fee (85c) always been there and I've not noticed? Since the board debate over FVFs lately, I'm being extra vigilant with eBay costs, and possibly have overlooked this fee previously. 







Message 1 of 15
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What is this 85c fee for?

Maybe eBay is testing out adding a fee for "checking your seller account"  🙂

Message 11 of 15
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What is this 85c fee for?

Did you check 'All account activity'? That should tell you exactly what the charges are for.

Message 12 of 15
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What is this 85c fee for?

Are you sure it's actually a fee? I only ask because when I list items on this ID, the value of items listed / sold showing at the top of my selling summary page fluctuates and isn't the exact amount in AU dollars (I half-suspect it somehow gets converted to US $'s, then converts back to an "approximate" amount, hence the fluctuations. For example, I recently sold $30 worth of items, but the amount showing on my summary page was $29~something. There was no extra fee or deduction from eBay, just a discrepancy with their summary tallies.


Message 13 of 15
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What is this 85c fee for?

Thanks digital, actually it has just changed again, gained 32c this time.  You're probably right, the monthly summary when fees are deducted is unlikely to be incorrect. 


I will see how Customer Support explains this when they get back to me. 

Message 14 of 15
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What is this 85c fee for?

Customer Support have got back to me with the statement that no deduction has been made by eBay, try PayPal.Woman LOL


digital*ghost has the answer I think, with the daily fluctuation of the $US/A$ 


Probably happens all the time, just took one boring hour for me to notice LOL







Message 15 of 15
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