Why has the option to select which picture shows in the gallery vanished?

I have just been listing items with multiple photo's & the area where you were previously able to select which photo showed in the galllery has gone.


Previously I was able to select the best overall photo of what I was selling but now, it is random & can't be altered.


Eg, if I was selling a book, I could show front cover, index, a few random pages etc.  


Now the photo that appears, I have no control over - so someone might see an index for example or a clothing tag when they really want to see the overall item first & then look at further photo's for more detail.


I'd previously listed about 2 weeks ago & that option was still there then.


Does anyone know - is this a temporary hiccup or a change?



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Why has the option to select which picture shows in the gallery vanished?

I noticed that on a couple of listings I created the other day. I decided to just order the images the way I wanted them to be cycled through, with the image I wanted as the gallery pic first, and that was the one that did become the gallery image, so hopefully that is consistent with others' experience. (If so, the only real difference is that you would no longer be able to have a different gallery image to the first image that appears when the listing is opened and/or the thumbnail that shows in want lists etc). 

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Why has the option to select which picture shows in the gallery vanished?

it would seem it is choosing the FIRST pic that uploaded, to change the position of the pics to show your favourite one first use the little blue arrows under the pic that look like this <<<<<


that'll move the pics around on the describe your item page

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Why has the option to select which picture shows in the gallery vanished?



Thank you so much for your reply.

I'd not noticed those arrows before & now I can show the item rather than just the tags/labels.


Thanks again for your help.

Message 4 of 6
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Why has the option to select which picture shows in the gallery vanished?

I did some listings earlier tonight and noticed it for the first time. It was much better having the option to use one pic as the gallery pic and a different pic as the main pic in a listing. I hope it is just a temporary glitch. I also noticed the option to select Gallery Plus is no longer immediately under the pics.

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Why has the option to select which picture shows in the gallery vanished?

I have been dealing with a problem with loading photos.


For example, U have 6 photos to upload, they do not upload in the order of the list of photos (before uploading).  I have found that the quickest photo to load (smallest kb) appears first in the gallery.


I have to always use the arrows to correct the order of showing.

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