on 25-02-2014 11:32 PM
Ebay needs a section for seeds. Im sick of having to scroll through so many pages before i find what im looking for. For instance.in the cactus section under cactus plants & succulents i scroll through many many pages to find just cactus plants. Sellers are Putting their cactus in under plants ,succulents and seeds. when i type in cactus plants there are many pages full og cactus seeds under the plant heading,& succulent & seeds.I just want to go straight to the cactus plants themselves. not waste hours scrolling through Things that arent cactus plants.seeds should come under SEEDS.NOt Plants or succulents. they are in packets not pots.Hope ebay can do something about it. im sure i couldnt be the only body complaining.Petra.
on 26-02-2014 06:15 AM
Why don't you amend your search to "Cactus Plant -Seeds -seed"
That should eliminate anything to do with seeds.