on โ19-10-2014 03:03 PM
I have used fastway for a couple of months and then found out I need a stonger heart to use it. I do not want to give my heart too much attack. Therefore, I would like to get rid of it. However I still have some fastway labels in stock. Is there any possibility that I can get refund for the labels? Thanks.
on โ19-10-2014 03:16 PM
Did you have to prepay for the Fastway labels?
I can't say I have ever heard of that in the courier industry...it is usually pay as you go after getting a supply of the satchels.
You will need to ask the company.....I doubt that anyone here can answer you.
on โ19-10-2014 03:24 PM
on โ19-10-2014 04:34 PM
I still have some satchels, same reason to scared to use them, asked nicely for the refund answer was..............................you guessed it.
I would not go any where near that mob.
on โ19-10-2014 05:16 PM
Surprising to find them on ebay as fastway keeps a close eye on thier labels. Reason being that if that particular franchise did not sell the label then they will not pick up packages.