eBay is preventing me from liaising with a client who missed the 2nd chance offer I had sent him

After that 2nd chance offer had run for 24 hours, the client, a busy surgeon in a hospital sends me the following email:

"Sorry, I didn't see your message until now. Is the ~*~*~* still for sale?"

When I reply to the gentleman, here is what appears when I send the message:


Your message wasn’t sent because we’ve noticed that it might suggest a purchase outside of eBay.

We realize that you may not have known this, but eBay members should not use the site to contact each other about offsite sales. This policy is in place to make sure that you are covered by eBay protection programs and feedback policies.

Please edit your message and remove anything that indicates buying or selling outside of eBay.

To learn more about our Offers to buy or sell outside of eBay policy, please see: http://pages.ebay.com.au/help/policies/rfe-spam-non-ebay-sale.html



So, eBay, what am I to do? I cannot offer twice a 2nd chance offer and you are in my way when I must have the courtesy to reply to my client! You tell us that you offer us a platform (at great cost to us, I may add...) and you do not get involved in our transactions, or do you???

You are all over us, in an almost paranoid way if your systems suspect that you could be missing out on a transaction, I have a big problem with that, why not invest -again- in your business and change from a single 2nd chance offer possibility to a second 2nd chance offer possibility for such exceptional cases presenting themselves?

You are all over us, eBay you do not let us deal freely on your platform and based upon the exhorbitant fees I pay you, we pay you, us sellers, THIS IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH !!!

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eBay is preventing me from liaising with a client who missed the 2nd chance offer I had sent him

Thanks all for your interest, I have listed the item and sent the interested/potential buyer the auction number for that item.

I will also email the president of eBay, Mr John J. Donahoe re. this incident which they can verify took place exactly as I write. It happens all the time on their platform, with their systems and I deserve better service than that, so do my clients.

I also want eBay to invest in what will adjust the DST without having me and my clients struggle to find the time the auction of an item will end when we switch our clocks to winter/summer time (as will be the case this coming weekend) , I have lost a small fortune in the past in sales just because of that hitch and my buyers have also lost an opportunity every time they are telling me, they were confused as when an auction was ending.

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eBay is preventing me from liaising with a client who missed the 2nd chance offer I had sent him

FYI,  I have now emailed to the President and CEO of eBay, Mr John J. Donahoe the link for this thread, it should be of interest to him and his American team. Contrary to what many could think, I have liaised with his office in the past with some success, despite what separate us.

Message 12 of 16
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eBay is preventing me from liaising with a client who missed the 2nd chance offer I had sent him

Community Member

I got the same message yesterday because I had the temerity to use the 6th and 2nd letters of the alphabet in a member to member email - the email content following those two letters was referring to the fact that neither of us knew how to set up a 62 page.  Hardly think that constitutes trying to buy or sell off eBB...!!!


Censorship gone mad!

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eBay is preventing me from liaising with a client who missed the 2nd chance offer I had sent him

Why only 24 hours for a second chance offer?


They can be up as 1, 3 or 5 days. Not everyone gets on ebay daily, so I always CS for at least 3 days, at least they have a chance to see it and think about it. If you aren't planning an immediate relist this is always best. I find it also depends on what you put in your message. I had a measage pulled because I'd put a phone number in it to discuss the item. I deleted the number and the message went through.

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eBay is preventing me from liaising with a client who missed the 2nd chance offer I had sent him

Still, eBay should let me re-list that 2nd chance offer (a second time), why do they manipulate the possibilities in their system to that extent when they tell us that they do not interfere between buyers and sellers on their platform? Greed (and imbecility) is again at work, that is eBay for you, for us, I am afraid, no wonder thay have a bad name (just Google the name, eBay and see what happen what 'lecture' it will yield, abysmal, in actual fact, the outcome, really...)...

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eBay is preventing me from liaising with a client who missed the 2nd chance offer I had sent him

Again and again, instead of slashing sellers with FEES after FEES, eBay you need to invest into your business instead of lining the pockets of your senior management and shareholders (i.e. adjust your systems to cope with the DST winter time change when we are listing 10 days or less prior to that change -who knows when auction will end??? Certainly not the potential bidders, or so they tell me...- , your lack of flexibility in the 2nd chance auction -can be offered only once-, impossibility there is at discounting an invoice by more than the advertised postage costs (!), the impossibility to send more than one 2nd chance offer at a time -as used to be the case, I understand why they removed that possibility but IT IS INTERFERING WITH the BUYER/SELLER'S dealings, eBay....-, the impossibility to change the price of an item -below last bid amount- at 2nd chance offer, impossibility of liaising in an efficient manner with potential buyers -plainly and purely censored if 'wrong' word, symbol is detected by eBay systems-, prohibiting the use of email and telephone addresses in mail between eBayers (!), etc, etc.... )

Not only are you stealing from us but you are also manipulating our dealings eBay rather than adopting a positive,objective and pro-dynamic approach to our dealings, you impede our transactions, our communication, eBay, for one single reason: YOUR GREED, YOUR PARANIOA WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR THINKING THAT YOU COULD EVEN MISS OUT ON THE PROCEEDS OF A TRANSACTION, YOU ARE FEELING SOOOOO UNSECURE, EBAY, IT HAS TURNED YOU INTO A MONSTER WITH THAT OTHER MONSTER YOU CREATED BY THE NAME of 'eBay' ...

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