on โ13-08-2012 08:30 AM
Hey there,
I have a unique store name in mind and the matching www domain is also available. The problem is I can't change my store name because there is someone registered on ebay USA with the username the same as the store name I want.
The user is 5 years and 3 months old and has 0 feedback, probably a forgotten and lost account. Does eBay ever clean up unused accounts as I am finding it rather frustrating?
on โ13-08-2012 09:20 AM
mate to be quit honest, we don't always get what we want.
But Good Luck with that hey
on โ13-08-2012 10:42 AM
Just touch the name up a little - underscore / asterix / number following, will still be unique enough with a little tweaking. ;-)I had the same when I opened my store - I simply added 'store' on the end
on โ13-08-2012 11:05 AM
No, they do not clean up. Some people have several IDs dormant.
But the suggestion above is good; especially if you ad asterisk or other symbol to the front. However, that may be a problem if somebody is trying to find you by your store name as the computer goes by the first letters/symbols. For instance if you register *****peach and somebody puts peach in search your ID may not come up for the same reason that the computer allows you to register the ID even if somebody already has the same word registered.
on โ13-08-2012 11:52 AM
It's even more annoying when the 0 FB username that matches your chosen store name is NARU.
You'd think after an unused username has been NARU for a certain amount of time, it'd be deleted.
on โ13-08-2012 04:11 PM
NARU IDs do eventually get de-registered -- just look at feedback thats a couple of years old and you may see an ID like
4004532@deleted (144)
but 'unused/idle ' accounts with no activity and not NARU, stay forever!
on โ13-08-2012 05:11 PM
Can you actually reuse an eBay ID?
I would have thought that any ID would have to be unique.
on โ13-08-2012 10:01 PM
I want topsales, the last time they did anything here was over 2 years ago, ebay said no, they stated I am a good seller and they dont want me tarnished by that sellers rep.
on โ13-08-2012 10:31 PM
Can you actually reuse an eBay ID?
I would have thought that any ID would have to be unique.
All current IDs must be unique. But if you change your ID, then the older ones go back into the "pool" and can be reused.
For example, somebody could register one of your old ones.
on โ13-08-2012 10:32 PM
there is someone registered on ebay USA with the username the same as the store name I want.
Why not send them an eBay Message and ask? Maybe they would consider changing the ID to something else... if you can convince them to do that, then in 30 days (to the minute) the ID will become available and you can then grab it.