on 07-11-2014 07:08 PM
just this past week I have noticed that some of my listings were not displaying description, I have also noticed other sellers listings have the same issue, the message in place of my description is
This content cannot be displayed in a frame
To help protect the security of information you enter into this website, the publisher of this content does not allow it to be displayed in a frame
it then gives me an option to open in a new frame of which does display the description yet in a different format
at first I thought it was my own settings however I encounter the same issue on another computer
to resolve I have to revise the listing, delete the description and re enter (cut and paste) however my concern is that it appears to be random and short of checking each listing on a frequent basis how can I be sure my listings are displayed correctly as I am not too sure if buyers would bother with the option to open in another frame
any help or advice on this issue would be most appreciated, I am contacting ebay tech to see if maybe this issue has resulted from actions they have recently taken after the site was last hacked ???
on 07-11-2014 07:20 PM
Had exactly the same thing happen to me yesterday, I did the same thing as you, revised, ended, and relisted, cleared cookies, registry cleaner yet nothing, I go on today and the one I found (as I could not be bothered going through them all) is now fine, ??? so check again tomorrow and they might be fine.
on 07-11-2014 07:25 PM
OK I tell a lie, just checked it again and the same thing, yet this morning it was fine, is it a PM thing ???? Confused ????
on 07-11-2014 07:27 PM
Fridays are notorious for random strange failures. Maintence process induced.