on 01-03-2013 01:21 PM
In My seller prefences It has blocked All 3 america's ticked as block buyers from there but yet now a US Person has won a item for less than what it will post with the extra fee and all.
Why would ebay system let users from the US to bid?? when blocks in place.
On Any listing i do international i never tick US etc.. is this weird??
on 01-03-2013 01:29 PM
You should never end auctions on Friday, its the maintenance day and everything can go wrong. I would contact the buyer and tell them that the listing was for AUSTRALIA ONLY, I they still want it, they have to pay $X. If they refuse, call eBay and tell them that the system failed to block bidder from the country you do not post to and ask them to cancel the sale. Then put that person on your BBL; bidding on items that are not listed as being posted to their country is not on.
UNLESS, they have Australian address to post it to - they might even be here. Did you check the PP posting address?
on 01-03-2013 01:43 PM
I have sent a email explaining the outrages cost that itself may put them off.
The postal addreess according to invoice is in US but 6es maybe they know someone here that i can post to.
just wait and see
Thanks for the tip i rember not end on fridays..