faulty feedback counter...

My feedback has been sitting on the same number for days, no one leaving feedback... then finally it goes from ending in a 6 to a 7, so I do my tentative peek to see, is it a negative.. no... look more... okay, all good... but wait, there are two new feedbacks, and the number has only gone up by one

Now I only mention this because this is the third time in the past few weeks I have seen this happen... different buyers leave feedback, but the number is not consistent with the number of feedbacks left.

Has any one else noticed this?

I have never been so conscious of feedback, but now I am watching those numbers all the time with trepidation, and know what they are at all times, so I don't know what is going on.. any ideas?

Message 1 of 9
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faulty feedback counter...

No idea, but just wanted to say, impressive DSR's and in a tough category.


You are doing it right. Merry Christmas. Smiley Happy

image host
Message 2 of 9
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faulty feedback counter...

yes, actually, I thought that was happening to my feedback, but I thought I was just stressed to crazy - but maybe not???
Message 3 of 9
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faulty feedback counter...

something really weird - was just packing up 2 items one buyer bought on the one combined invoice - I can only leave feedback for the whole transaction - not feedback for each item - before I could leave feedback for each item that a buyer had on a combined invoice - for the life of me - I can't see that I can leave more than one feedback for the whole transaction! Someone please tell me I am not crazy!
Message 4 of 9
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faulty feedback counter...


Weird, just the other day someone I purchased two items from left me two feedbacks.



Which only increases my score by 1 but that is normal.



Message 5 of 9
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faulty feedback counter...

Feedback is only calculated on 1 item per transaction.


Even if a buyer purchases - say 6 items - leaves Feedback for all 6 - the Feedback 'score' will only show 1.

Message 6 of 9
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faulty feedback counter...

no, this was two different buyers.

Message 7 of 9
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faulty feedback counter...

This happens when a recently registered member of ebay is deregistered.


If a member is deregistered within a certain period of time from the date they joined ebay any feedback they have left for sellers is also removed.

Message 8 of 9
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faulty feedback counter...

What I have noticed happening sometimes is that our FB score will suddenly increase by 1 when nobody has left any new FB in quite some time, perhaps even one day ago. I just assumed that the counters sometimes lag reality.


But have never seen it go down at all.

Message 9 of 9
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