on 29-04-2013 08:06 PM
hi i cant list using google chrome and the pictures when looking at a item show in a different type of window which all most freezes its that slow ,, in IE if i switch back no problem
On a second lappytop i have chrome and ebay work as they do in IE any ideas 😞
on 29-04-2013 09:19 PM
It sounds as if IE is your main browser that is why it works better.I also have both IE8 and chrome but I have chrome as my main which works better than IE8.This could be the case in your situation but I am not 100% sure.
on 29-04-2013 09:32 PM
Have you tried uninstalling chrome and then reinstalling.
on 29-04-2013 10:25 PM
I use Chrome and ebay works better on it for me than IE and firefox
Might be no ads because I have Ad Block Plus and everything loads faster
on 29-04-2013 10:27 PM
Hi thanks for the reply's i use chrome full time all this changed about 2 weeks ago ,,
i thought it was changes ebay had made and didn't realize till last night trying to list on ebay
i could not,,
lot of listing functions not even showing and summit button not there
i have uninstalled chrome and re-installed it and still the same ,, ??? 😞
on 29-04-2013 10:31 PM
I was having trouble with google this morning - switched the computer off at the power point and back on now perfect. Tried switching off at the computer and that failed but from the power point worked fine. Son is an electrician and he said he could not work out how it now worked but not to worry about it so I havent been 😄
on 29-04-2013 10:49 PM
Its so frustrating .... its an ongoing issue with browsers and their upgrades, I constantly have to bounce between different browers each time they upgrade, they seem to perfect a version, and then upgrade to a imperfect version with broken bells and whistles.
on 30-04-2013 12:35 AM
I had google chrome install itself on my computor last week. Had it for @ 2 days when i realised that pages were freezing, computor was running slow, some pics were not loading so a red cross was in their place instead... so i deleted google chrome and everything has gone back to normal.
phew! 🙂
on 30-04-2013 04:26 AM
hi I was using IE9 & then 10 for ages until last week when I couldnt list any photos anywhere. I changed to Firefox and all well. Good Luck.
on 30-04-2013 06:45 AM
Firefox here as well.