on 25-05-2013 06:54 PM
tried it.. but cancelled cos i saw a charge at the bottom of the page?
my account is eligible for the 40 free listing a month
do you get charged or is this just a glitch when listing multiple items in one go?
on 26-05-2013 06:06 PM
had a look at my account summary and theres no increases of $4.50 to my current balance.
i mean, fees charged.. if any are updated instantaneously arent they?
Yes, the fees show up on the account charges immediately, so my guess is if they're not there, the charges shown in the screen shot were another (incorrect) "estimate" (i.e. glitch).
Keep an eye on your account I suppose, just to make sure they don't suddenly appear.
on 26-05-2013 06:07 PM
I had a look at - view all account activity, and i have been charged for 3 listings, strange i thought i had a BIN on all of them.
i wonder if the 100 free listings promotion for a weekend earlier this month has something to do with it?
whats the best section of ebay to contact them about this DG or anyone?
on 26-05-2013 06:13 PM
those 3 listings ive been charged 4.50 has bin on all of them, should be 4.80
on 26-05-2013 06:21 PM
on 26-05-2013 06:29 PM
Must be Donna, i did a test listing and clicked 'sell similar item' instead and there was no charge
but, those 6 listings are unsold items from the 100 free listings, and, i didnt get charged for a bin on those 3, only got charged for the insertion fee, and i didnt get charged at all for 3 other listings lol
on 26-05-2013 06:30 PM
Not sure what is going on here. I began getting charges to list - went to my seller's activity - only 64 listed. Did the really helpful 'chat' thingo - was directed to the 'Activity'' tab left up top - near messages etc - then down to 'Selling Manager' - down to 'Listing Offers'. Well there it is 'How many used and how many left. Though 16 of these were not apparent in my seller account activity. Just an aside - on first looking at this thread - what is with the - down the bottom of each post - Report - which changes to - go on - you know you want to. HELLO
on 26-05-2013 06:31 PM
on 26-05-2013 06:50 PM
what is with the - down the bottom of each post - Report - which changes to - go on - you know you want to. HELLO
Hi Helen, If you click "Preferences" top right of the message board log-in page (Log Out I Preferences I Print I Help ^) you too can insert a signature which will show on each post.
Donna,Should i call ebay and whats the best contact number?
on 26-05-2013 06:56 PM
on 26-05-2013 07:00 PM
Very bottom of this page there is a contact number Joz
Not allowed to post numbers or email addresses on the forums.