on 26-07-2012 07:39 PM
Hi folks.
Just checked out the ATO site about what can be deducted: http://www.ato.gov.au/businesses/content.aspx?menuid=0&doc=/content/00266008.htm&page=5&H5
I suppose Paypal fees can be deducted as "bank fees charges". Can eBay fees be deducted as "Advertising"?
Thanks in advance.
on 26-07-2012 08:01 PM
They are business transaction costs that can be offset againt the profits made on turnover that you have declared as income.
You need to speak to an accountant. 🙂
on 26-07-2012 08:26 PM
They are business transaction costs that can be offset againt the profits made on turnover that you have declared as income.
You need to speak to an accountant. 🙂
That is correct. Any fees associated with sales that are not included in your income cannot be claimed.
I agree that it is prudent to speak to an accountant if you are unsure as to what needs to be included in your tax return.