on 13-11-2012 07:41 PM
I have not noticed in the last few months any difference if I have a 20% or 25% or even a 40% sale on books to my sales - most of my books also have a best offer applied to them , any suggestions as the best method. NO discounts or whats the best that works for you , 10,20 ,30 or 40% . Feedback much appreciated .
on 13-11-2012 10:44 PM
Personally for me % off sales have never worked.Nor has offering"free post" worked.Make an offer can work though
on 14-11-2012 12:23 PM
Specifying combined postage on my listings has worked for me.
on 15-11-2012 06:08 PM
In the B&M Sales mean nothing to my total t/over.
However they're a great way to remove unwanted titles.
ie: a sin bin of dirt cheap items, if they don't sell for a dollar after a few days I bin them.
Unfortunately we do have to purge the foul stock and replenish the hot items regularly to keep the place from becoming a depot of rubbish.
Having lots of wanted stock people can't easily find always brings better figures.
The problem now is where to find those hot items, hmmm?
Any deceased estates happening this weekend?
on 17-11-2012 06:38 PM
I try a bit of everything:
BIN (mostly)
Sales usually only 10% or 15% (occasionally for 1 month duration)
& a few auctions.
I find BIN is best for me. Auctions not so much. (If they dont sell I list them at a higher price & they sell)
I do know that if my listings get under 300 ít does tend to get quiet. ?!
on 17-11-2012 09:06 PM
I used to knock a bit off for listings that I was going to pull in the next 30 days. Made no difference.
Now I just list at BIN for what I want. If they don't sell, they don't sell. I use 'free' postage for those that can go as large letters, and separate for those that can't. Thin books generally won't combine for cheaper than the individual postage components anyway.
Imo, big discounts smack of desperation. Unless the book is overpriced to start with or a heap of other (usually OS) sellers come in selling the same grading for far less. In which case the base price should be reduced, rather than a discount applied.
on 10-01-2013 01:05 PM
Nowadays ... nothing works !
on 29-01-2013 02:51 PM
We were one of the biggest sellers several years ago and started discounts depending on how old a listing was.
eBay is fast becoming a waste of my time, how can you compete with books coming from overseas with FREE posting.
The biggest losers are the charities, we were once a big buyer from charities spending thousands.
on 21-02-2013 07:23 PM
Maybe you need to get into non fiction out of print books
on 21-02-2013 11:02 PM
I find fiction OOP, especially mediocre Australian authors, any OOP SF or Fantasy, pretty much anything that the 'Australian' dropshippers whose listings are publishers' catalogues don't list to be fodder.
Plus MM thrillers where I am NEVER the cheapest seller.