New eBay selling survey

Did any one else receive the latest eBay survey requesting our opinions on the Selling Experience with eBay??

With questions like which other online sites we sell on (and they listed the sites they were interested in)...and do we have our own websites. Also what do we think of the selling fees including listing and FVF's. Would we recomend selling on eBay to our friends...and stuff like that.   

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New eBay selling survey

Community Member

I did.And I let rip too


Message 2 of 10
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New eBay selling survey


Just two for using 'Help' which I don't answer.

Call some place paradise, kiss it goodbye - Don Henley
Message 3 of 10
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New eBay selling survey

Feeling left out, I didn't get one.

Message 4 of 10
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New eBay selling survey

My reply wasn't pretty either.

But will it change anything!!

Message 5 of 10
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New eBay selling survey

Selling Experience with eBay?? quiet atm as in none, nothing listed lol

which other online sites we sell on quicksales, fishpond, etsy

do we have our own websites yes

what do we think of the selling fees including listing and FVF's. Not much, too high, listing and store fees should be free

Would we recomend selling on eBay to our friends no

Message 6 of 10
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New eBay selling survey

:^O You tell 'em.

~ Mon ~
Message 7 of 10
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New eBay selling survey

I was being serious ;\

Message 8 of 10
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New eBay selling survey

Ooopps. wrong emoticon. ๐Ÿ˜ž  It was right next to what I meant to use. Sorry, I do agree with what you said.

Supposed to be:  X-(  You tell 'em.

~ Mon ~
Message 9 of 10
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New eBay selling survey

The price thing between US and Aus is rediculous, bit like d/loading itunes, we are being screwed and they know they can.

But then they have the hide to ask us what we think, like honestly ?:|


I can see everyone saying, well you really should have put the store cost up to $500 month, charge 50% selling fee and charge us $1 per gallery picture as we know how hard it is to host a lot of 00011110101010111101010110  numbers in a servers hdd's.

Message 10 of 10
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