Who is ebaying today?

I thought I'd get this thread up again.:-)

I've had enough excitement here for one day and am off to find my zzz's.

Good thing the weekend is coming up so we can play with all this new stuff.

~ Mon ~
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Who is ebaying today?

Community Member
There's an outdoors?

Bet the graphics aren't that good though ๐Ÿ™‚
Message 3391 of 6,626
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Who is ebaying today?

There's an outdoors?

Bet the graphics aren't that good though ๐Ÿ™‚

Not bad graphics outdoors - the 3D effect is almost as good as in Avatar. ๐Ÿ™‚
But I did get wet out there today. And my cat ambushed me and bit deeply into my leg. He is such a practical joker. :_|
Message 3392 of 6,626
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Who is ebaying today?

Community Member
ROFL dorro naughty cat!!! :^O
Message 3393 of 6,626
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Who is ebaying today?

Community Member
Meh, Dorro gets a little uppity at times and the cat feels the need to establish dominance. heh, can't have the human getting above their station now.
Message 3394 of 6,626
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Who is ebaying today?

I think he still resents the small operation I made him have when he was a kitten.
Message 3395 of 6,626
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Who is ebaying today?

I'm sure cats have very long memories.

Daisy the grumpy old ginger cat has never got over Tom trying to shove her down the toilet when she was a tiny kitten and he was a toddler. She still likes him better than everyone else though.
Message 3396 of 6,626
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Who is ebaying today?

We had a black cat who died when he was 15. My son was always his favourite, despite Rian deciding he was dirty 'cos he was black & he had to have a bath in the toilet. Poor Jonesy (named him after the cat in Alien), he should have been afraid of my son. The same cat used to get dressed in dolls clothes by many of the day care kids I looked after over the years.
Message 3397 of 6,626
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Who is ebaying today?

Here's one for the retro lovers

How the Internet Looks as Vintage Books

Message 3398 of 6,626
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Who is ebaying today?

Message 3399 of 6,626
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Who is ebaying today?


I got my cat (RIP) from the RSPCA and she'd been there a while and was scheduled to be put to sleep the next day. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

For the whole time we had her she refused to go outside, when you opened the door she'd give you a look of horror and run and hide inside. I'm sure that came from her time as a stray. "Well, if I don't go outside I can't get lost and end up back at that place!"
Message 3400 of 6,626
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