on โ12-08-2017 03:08 PM
i can get ebay but everytime i click on a ad it does this
www.ebay.com.au redirected you too many times
Try clearing cookies
EER Too many redirects
Yes i have cleared cookies and it still does not work . The result is i can not buy anything.
on โ12-08-2017 03:12 PM
Many many people posting about the same thing
Some people have said using Firefox rather than Chrome works for them
others have said Firefox made it worse than Chrome
IE is useless for ebay
I'm not sure about other browsers and how they go in relation to this
on โ12-08-2017 03:35 PM
I have tried M Edge that worked for a day , I can use ebay in other countrys and that is fine but then you get hit with stupid postage cost`s .
Very Frustrating .
on โ12-08-2017 04:09 PM
Ok i have tried firefox and that seems to work for now so did edge for a short period so time will tell.
on โ12-08-2017 04:13 PM
Good luck
Ebay sure has more issues than usual of late
on โ13-08-2017 11:11 AM
Clearing cookies will now not solve this issue as I reported more than a week ago and eBay still has not fixed. I'm using Chrome with Windows 7 Pro. If they can't fix it for Chrome and Win 7 Pro then heaven help eBay at the momnent. I can't even check listings which have sold to cross-reference every packing item!! This means I can not longer see the listings which have actually sold!
on โ20-08-2017 08:57 AM
Ok Firefox worked for 3 days ,But Im back to the same problem i have cleared cookies and same drama