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Ok I'm confused...anyone?

I have just lost my Top Rated Seller status because I lost my Bronze Power Seller Status (not enough sales, I was under US 3,000 for last 12 months)

So... I read that there will be changes to the Top Rated Seller program from 20th of June 2013  & the new min sales requirement will be $1000 US over 12 months (down from $3000 US).

Now seeing you have to be a Power Seller to be a Top Rated Seller do they really mean that the Bronze Power Seller min sales requirement from the 20th June is now $1000 rather that $3000 over 12 months?

You can't change one without the other it just doesn't make any sense?! ?:|

Nowhere in the recent ebay announcements does it mention anything about new min sales requirements for Bronze Power Sellers! 

I'm asking this because from the 20th June I will meet all the new criteria to be a Top Rated Seller once more but unless they reinstate my Power Seller Status it won't happen!

I really hope they know how their own system works, LOL ๐Ÿ˜„

โ€œBe careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.โ€
โ€• Mark Twain
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Ok I'm confused...anyone?

I am presuming that because there have been (or I haven't seen ) any announcements about changes to the Top Rated Seller program, that the new $1000 threshold for Power Seller will mean you can acquire TRS by selling US$1000 in any 12 month period and tick all the right boxes.


That being said, it's rendered almost null by the introduction of Top Rated Plus. When that comes into effect, TRS will go the same way the PS logo did, and it will not be visible to buyers at all. TRS+ will only be visible on listings that meet eBay's requirements, and although you have to meet rating criteria, the listing has to offer free postage, 0-1 day handling time, and express post option, and 30-day money back returns for the TRS+ logo to appear.

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Ok I'm confused...anyone?

I wander in and out of PS and TRS status at various times as I only sell for a limited period each year and I have found absolutely no difference in my sell through rate if I have it or not so never worry about it.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
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Ok I'm confused...anyone?

Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

It's comforting to know that it hasn't affected you sell through rate (I was wondering?) and like you say the new program will over ride it any way.

The thing I read about TRS was put out by ebay on April 23rd I copied it for you

(and I quote...clears throat)

"What are the new criteria for Top Rated Seller?

The following changes to account level requirements will apply:

Minimum sales value will change to AUD $1,000 in the past 12 months (from AUD $3,000)Maximum percentage or count of 1-star and 2-star detailed seller ratings will change to 0.5% or 2 (from 0.6% or 2)Other criteria stay the same as the current Top Rated Seller program."

It goes on to say it commences June 20th etc

Anyway I guess I won't worry about it. (Guess I have to go and do more listing now, can't dream up any more ways to put it off :-p)

โ€œBe careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.โ€
โ€• Mark Twain
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Ok I'm confused...anyone?

It also says this


What are the new Top Rated Plus requirements?

The following service standards need to be included for a listing to qualify as Top Rated Plus:

Free postage to Australian Buyers 0 or 1-day handling time Express postage option offered 30-day money back returns or better.


and this


What are the benefits?A Top Rated Plus badge in your listings and search results page Increased search and site visibility.


Won't post everything you can all see for yourselves in the General announcements - but - if the above requirements are not met you won't have the Top Rated Seller badge in your listings and you if do meet the requirements then your listings will have a Top Rated Seller Plus badge showing - please don't shoot the messenger lol

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