Why does e bay allow scammers to sell and buy even after they have been notified of these people,

i recently brought a cpap mask of a person, when i finally recieved it, to me it looked like somthing was od about it and asked if it was a fake, the seller jumped of his high hprse and said its brand new. however have since found out its not brand new and have caught this seller out on his many lies. He claims he is Authorised distributor and seller for Resmed  however Resmed has clarified this is not the case and there legal team will be in contact as will mine with this bogus seller. The mask came in his own packing and Reasmed informed me once taken out of Resmeds packaging it cannot be sold for health and hyhene reasons however e bay do not seem to care as long as they get there kick backs. He also reffusses to give me his ABN number or shop details why cause he isnt authorized to sell. He failed to also provide his ATGA compliance number as its e bays regulations as others who sell provide on there ads but again e bay does nothing instead they place our sales on the bottom end of advertising cause we complaimed as this illegal mask has caused more harm than good. Since e bay regulate medical items but do not keep to there own rules we will be taking e bay further more so now the ACCC is involved as to are the AFP. E bay customer service offshore do not care they are useless we should have our own customer care in Australia ---- however keep well clear of this bogus seller who sells 2nd hand mask he pinches of pts were he most likely works as a cleaner in a sleep clinic as his msgs gave him away to , his seller name is REMOVED and only saw it today another who apparently brought a brand new 1 as he claims also left neutral feedback the new mask is discoloured as new ones are like pearl colour, same reason i asked was it brand new as this liar claims 

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Why does e bay allow scammers to sell and buy even after they have been notified of these people,

Hay its the   "DILIIGAF"  man    (Intentional error as per OP's Spelling)

I thought you were never ever going to use ebay again.

Maybe your items are appropriately listed by ebay, where they belong, way down the list.

Maybe ebay also remember  your multiple listings   for  DILIIGAF  purely so you could use the listing description field to post your abusive anti ebay rants.

Anyway, those other sites you were spruiking, with sales of  $20.000  in  7hrs,   obviously they did not workout too well for you either

Message 21 of 24
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Why does e bay allow scammers to sell and buy even after they have been notified of these people,

@padi*0409 wrote:

@kopenhagen5 wrote:

Warm weather over west ? We are having a very nice 26ish for a spell. 

Coolish today Kopes 20 deg and a bit of rain around that we sorely need..............


The ducks are scooting around over a wide expanse of mud..................sticky mud mostly as well.............sigh.

I trust the Batlets are not chasing the ducks Padi.....that would be very messy.Smiley LOL

Message 22 of 24
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Why does e bay allow scammers to sell and buy even after they have been notified of these people,

@lyndal1838 wrote:

I trust the Batlets are not chasing the ducks Padi.....that would be very messy.Smiley LOL

Noooo, I don't even want to think about that scenario lyndal.............................original.gif


I know what that mud smells like.......................

"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 23 of 24
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Why does e bay allow scammers to sell and buy even after they have been notified of these people,

@gutterpunkz05 wrote:

Hay its the   "DILIIGAF"  man    (Intentional error as per OP's Spelling)

I thought you were never ever going to use ebay again.

Maybe your items are appropriately listed by ebay, where they belong, way down the list.

Maybe ebay also remember  your multiple listings   for  DILIIGAF  purely so you could use the listing description field to post your abusive anti ebay rants.

Anyway, those other sites you were spruiking, with sales of  $20.000  in  7hrs,   obviously they did not workout too well for you either

Oh yes, I forgot about that! Good pick up Punky. How often do we see someone ranting that they are never using eBay again, they are moving to Amazon, then a year later, they still have listings up? It never ceases to crack me up.

Message 24 of 24
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