Last minute bid

I was bidding for a pair of shoes and was the highest bidder up to the last three seconds when I was outbit by someone. How does that work? By the time I got the notice that I was outbit it was too late to raise the amount. It has happen to me before, I was even sitting in front of the screen until the last second apparently being the highest bidder but then soemone else won over me. Anyone any tips or ideas on this one? Thanks.

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That other person that attempted to answer your question is just plain wrong. People are using ebay sniper apps or similar software. I was the only bidder for an item, for the entire time, and up until the last 3 seconds I was outbid (EVEN WITH RAISING MY MAX BID!) I was watching it live for the entire last 5 min and hitting refresh over and over and the very second I was outbid, I did not have enough time to make another bid. Obviously Im not happy, and that other comment was just plain stupid and condescending.