Why is this allowed, how can I report it

OK, so I spent quite a bit of this wet afternoon searching for long T-shirt/shirt type of dress in cotton ( or linen).  So, I put in search "long T-shirt cotton dress", and got thousands of  results, most not T-shirt type, others have cotton linen in title, but in description they say polyester.  And most annoyingly, many come up in the index with price around $10, but once you click on it and select color and size the price doubles or even triples.   In the past they would have another cheap item in the selection of colors, now they do not even bother.  I am happy to pay $30 or even $50 + for the dress I want, but I hate being sucked in.  I do want to be able to quickly look through the index and see which seller has the best price.  There is no way to report this, as far as I can see.  I have been reporting them as "search and browse manipulation" and  "misleading title", which is fine for those claiming to be cotton and then admitting it's polyester, but I wonder if the wrong price will be noticed.  Is there anything I am missing?

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You've certainly been around for long enough to know how eBay works, And been on the boards long enough to know how to report items.