Why I can't bid on some items

Community Member
Hi I'm a new bidder. I was trying to bid on 2 items but it came up with

Buyer Requirements
This seller has set buyer requirements for this item and only sells to buyers who meet those requirements.
You are unable to bid on or buy this item because:
You haven't gone through phone verification. To bid on or buy the item you selected, please complete phone verification.

Start Phone Verification

Note: If you are still interested in bidding on or buying this item, you may click the button above or contact the seller and ask that they exempt you from this buyer requirement.

When I click on Start Phone Verification
It came up with this :

Create Your Seller's Account: Phone Verification

Enter phone number
Example: 02 1234 5678
Make sure the number we use to call you is assigned to a land line. Mobile numbers are not permitted. This number will be recorded as the primary number on your eBay account.

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Please note: eBay uses the services of third parties to assist in its verification processes. By clicking Call Me, you are consenting to the disclosure by eBay of your contact information to such third parties and to your information being used for verification purposes. If you do not want to disclose your information to eBay or such third parties, do not click Call Me. Learn more.

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Why "Mobile numbers are not permitted"
Because I don't have landline phone
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There is your answer in the message from ebay.


As you are new a lot of sellers have blocks in place for new buyers with less than 5 feedback or are not phone verified.


It is to stop scam buyers and those that create an account to annoy sellers.


Also if you buy stuff and do not pay you will be blocked when ebay issue non payer strikes after seller opens non payer disputes