on โ23-01-2014 07:29 PM
I bought 2 items from 2 stores which had seperate postage fees.
Parcel arrives with both items in that one parcel , therefore the postage was combined and cheaper than what we paid for the 2 postage fees
We were not offered the combined postage , we did not know they had multiple stores . Even if the store does not offer combined postage ( which he has said ) , if we had known they were essentially the same store we could have changed our options on what we wanted to do?
on โ26-01-2014 06:49 PM
Yes I agree with what you are stating,but the seller did this with two selling IDs,so unless Ebay are willing to repremand the seller for going about this way then the seller has every right to do this even though it is not the right thing to do.So the question is can Ebay do something about this? my answer is no they can't as it is two different IDs even though it's the same seller,so ebay should introduce a new policy regarding this way of posting.
on โ27-01-2014 10:47 AM
I think it is already covered by an eBay seller policy. Under the Shill Bidding Policy, Additional Information Seller Rules it states:
"Although a seller is allowed to have more than one eBay account, there can't be any interaction between the accounts, especially involving bids or Feedback. Your information also has to be accurate and consistent."
While it is not bidding there is interaction between the accounts re the postage.
on โ27-01-2014 11:06 AM
Both sellers ids have bad feedback and some about postage.
Ill certainly avoid them.
Their behaviour appears to be unprofessional and their response to feedback certainly is. It is a shame because it colours this discussion.
You were prepared to pay the double postage.
So what you have missed out on is one postbag not reusable.
You are offended because the seller saved on one post bag and some labour costs?
on โ27-01-2014 01:31 PM
I am offended because I have been decieved.
I paid for 2 services , recieved 1 therefore the seller has unethically increased his profit.
As previously posted , if I knew it was one seller , I would have asked for a price on the postage to combine them , if he came back with the $20 postage for the 2 small items I was buying I would not have bought them.
I was willing to pay 20 dollars for 2 lots of time and effort and to lots of packaging
on โ27-01-2014 05:25 PM
What are you talking about? the seller wasn't shill bidding between the 2 accounts or interacting either.The buyer is the one that purchased 2 items 1 from each account and the seller posted them as 1 but charged postage for 2.What's you answer got to do with this? This is about postage fees not shill bidding.
on โ27-01-2014 06:15 PM
If you notice I said "While it is not bidding there is interaction between the accounts re the postage." perhaps i should have said
"While it is not SHILL bidding there is interaction between the accounts re the postage".
eBay clearly do not want interaction between IDs in any form and while the policy is listed under Shill bidding the wording is general in nature and extents to all areas related to selling on eBay. They clearly state
"there can't be any interaction between the accounts" ebays words not mine
In the situation of the OP there was clearly interaction between the IDs, or are you trying to tell me that combining postage from 2 different accounts is not an interaction between the accounts. I doubt many would agree with you.
Thats "What's my answer got to do with this"
on โ27-01-2014 06:37 PM
As the interaction, if it can be called that, is not on eBay then that policy (which is after all to do with shill bidding) doesn't apply.
You are drawing a very long bow suggesting that simply posting an item with an item from another account is interaction.
Nobody would be able to have more than one account, by your logic, as the accounts have the same principal and interaction is inevitable.
on โ27-01-2014 07:13 PM
Talking of drawing long bows you're not doing a bad job yourself "Nobody would be able to have more than one account, by your logic," yet I said or more correctly ebay states
"Although a seller is allowed to have more than one eBay account, there can't be any interaction between the accounts, especially involving bids or Feedback. Your information also has to be accurate and consistent.". Its states "especially" not "only".
The seller has sold both items on eBay and then pulled a swifty on the buyer with postage leaving them unhappy. Not exactly improving the buyer experience were they, and if there's one thing do get eBay upset by is to do anything that reduces the buyers experience.
It may not be against eBay rules, if the above doesn't fit, but I very much doubt that ebay would condone it.