on โ19-01-2013 09:24 PM
Noticed a listing for a new Samsung 65 inch 3D LED tv from Germany, freight free with payment by bank deposit, surely to good to be true, thought someone might have repoted it or am I being cynical. Think not.
on โ19-01-2013 09:41 PM
i dont understand, why the poll?
how much is the asking price?
on โ19-01-2013 09:47 PM
Is this the one? 3D Slim LED HDTV (Silver) Samsung UN65ES8000 65-Inch 1080p 240Hz
I can't see anything about payment by Bank Deposit only, only that it is accepted, as is PayPal; which German sellers don't have to offer
on โ19-01-2013 09:48 PM
Bid price was $750.00 when I looked last. I'm not sure what the poll is about.
on โ19-01-2013 09:50 PM
Go to very bottom of listing and you will see payment by bank deposit, bet it will be a chinese bank account. I nearly got caught by an almost identical listing about a month ago, nearly cost me 800 bucks.
on โ19-01-2013 09:57 PM
OK I missed that bit... Sellers in Germany don't have to offer PayPal but if they do then they are obliged to accept it.
Only posts to Australia, now that's odd
on โ19-01-2013 10:05 PM
Whole listing smells a bit fishy to me, very cheap price for a tv thats probably worth between 4 and 5 thousand dollars, and freight free as well, wow what a deal.
on โ19-01-2013 10:13 PM
That's a scam listing and it was reported but is still up,X-(
The last time that account was active was in March 2010
The reason the scammer list these there is because Germany doesn't have to accept paypal and they hope that members are fooled into buying by bank deposit,:-(
The free postage alone should ring warning bells but some members just can't see past the cheap price,:_|
on โ19-01-2013 10:20 PM
Yeah, assumed that it was scam type listing, I reported it, hope something is done so no one gets caught by these people.