on โ06-12-2014 01:09 PM
I got a power jack 8000w LF inverter and i got it in the mail and i pluged it in to charger the batteries up and and it over heat and turn off i got right on to the seller fast to let them know i have a problem and then they said it was normal for it to do that and that they cant help me fix it so i put my feedback up as (charger over heats and they said was normal ) then the email me and said i lost the warranty as i give bad feed back and get no help to fix the problem i had with it . Then they ask me to take the feedback off .
the inverter then blow up with under 100w of christmas lights on it and smoke come out of it and stopped working so i let them know that it blow up and need help to fix it and they said know as no warranty to fix it so they are asking me to lie to remove the feedback then they help me but i bet they dont help if i did i think people need to know this so they dont end up same as i have payed $480 for a inverter that don't work know i have to buy the parts to try get it fix and this is after they ban me from buying off them is this far?
they also ask me to open it to take picture as they didnt beleave me that it stopped work the black mark as seen in the picture is black smoke
just cant beleave they telling me to lie for them to remove to feedback to sell more to people
on โ09-12-2014 07:14 PM
on โ11-12-2014 12:00 AM
@sisjames77 wrote:
i got it on the 29/10/2014 so i cant use that
You can still open up a dispute through Paypal, but you only have 45 days from the purchase date, so you'd better be quick! You need to do it by logging into PayPal, go the the resolution centre, find the transaction and follow the prompts. I've never had to do one, so can't give step by step instructions.
on โ22-08-2015 11:04 AM
You will find it's the charger as a seller called dr.powerjack sold me one and the first time i used it , it went red hot and cut out , i asked to have it replaced but was ignored , it took ebay to get involed to get any results , the chargers are faulty and can start fires yet they are still being sold , and i have found that the rating on the inverters is alot more than it really is , so beware of this
on โ22-08-2015 11:35 PM
Really helpful for an issue that happened last year
on โ23-08-2015 08:41 AM
I knew as soon as I saw the date on this thread that Davewil would have one of his useless responses at the bottom, and I was right!!
Dave do you just sit in front of your computer all day waiting for these threads to pop up, or is it some sort of weird obsession you have.
You need to get out more mate.
on โ31-08-2015 06:46 PM
ok i got help from the seller after i put video on youtube for people to see that they have problems with the unit .
then i got help from a guy in uk that selling them over there for them he sent email to the seller for me to help get my inverter fixed real nice guy so the seller sent me the parts to repair mine .I was thinking that it just blow up again but i found when i pulled it apart to put new boards in that a bolt was not tight and there where the heat come from and cooked mine.
so new boards in and tested it and all that i put on it work fine its still going today i dont work it to hard but i cut back on 240 gear in the home and use alot of 12v gear so come right off the batteries .led lights ,hdtv,fridge,freezer 12v fans good ones blow your head off at full power and alot more all on 12v but i have power tools and washing machine still 240v and inverter runs all my big power tools fine
one more thing was good i found a guy on net he helps people alot with the inverters as he plays with them alot he help me out to
http://www.anotherpower.com/board/index.php/topic,993.0.html they guys on there are so helpful happy in away that the inverter cooked i got to see that there is help out there . so manny people willing to help
I held off put my feedback on there as i give it some time to run and test to see if it blow up again but it still runing fine the cost of the unit way cheaper then whats around if power jack gets more help from guys like the backyard diy guys that play with them they probly be good for all of us we all need to cut back on power use in the home its be better for the planet ...
so there it is back to be happy with my inverter was hard work to get it repaired but in the end if i just check inside the unit for them bolts to be tight it been fine sorry was long time in the feedback hope this helps anyone on getting help with there inverters
on โ31-08-2015 10:58 PM
@drz250k wrote:I knew as soon as I saw the date on this thread that Davewil would have one of his useless responses at the bottom, and I was right!!
Dave do you just sit in front of your computer all day waiting for these threads to pop up, or is it some sort of weird obsession you have.
You need to get out more mate.
Funnily enough I just went through your last five posts on the boards, which spans 12 months.
And I found not a single one that actually provided any useful information.
Although they all did slag off at the poster you responded to.
At least some of us use our time to provide answers to questions....