99% of Apple accessories listed on eBay are complete counterfeits.

Community Member

99% of the apple accessories listed on eBay are complete fake counterfeit products.

Charger cables, earpods, keyboards etc...

Fake lightning charger cables destroy the charger port pins in your iphone and you will not be able to charge your iphone!

Fake ear phones sound quality is ten times worse than genuine Apple ear phones and break ten times faster!


What really annoys me the most is that these sellers are selling hundreds and thousands of these accessories and the average buyer doesn't know any better! They think if the item looks identical to the genuine Apple product then it must be genuine! I can see in the sellers feedback that maybe 5% of buyers (who were smart enough to realize the item was fake) have left negative feedback saying the item was fake, but ebay still lets the user continue to sell hundreds of these cheap fake items to the masses...


And a lot of these scammers are listed as "top sellers" by eBay! ebay is supporting organized crime!


The charger cable I bought destroyed my iphone charging port. I hold ebay liable for this. I am thinking of pursuing a class action lawsuit against eBay and I'm sure there are hundreds if not thousands of other people who have bought products off eBay that have damaged their iphones too!


thoughts? ideas?



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Re: 99% of Apple accessories listed on eBay are complete counterfeits.

@mr_graz wrote:

ebay should implement a policy where if the seller receives 5 negative feedback all stating the same product was fake then to completely ban their account. How hard is that? Make sure the negative feedback come from users with at least 100 feedback stars to ensure the validity of the complaint is not someone trying to ruin someones reputation.


jeez. I just thought of that idea in 2 minutes. problem completely solved. boom. I am going to go start a better ebay website now... thanks. 😉

I realise I'm a little late to this party, but the issue is a lot more complicated than that solution allows. 


I am not saying your idea is completely without merit, but I am saying it fails to take some important things into account.


The first is that it wouldn't be that hard to find 5 friends who have been on eBay for a while (enough to have 100FB) and get them to sabotage an eBay seller's account. If I was that way inclined, my friends probably would be, too.


The second is that feedback is, by nature, a subjective opinion. Or - in some cases - a completely unfounded accusation. For eBay to use feedback comments as irrefutable proof of wrongdoing (on the seller's behalf) is seriously problematic. They already do this to a degree, anyway, and it is by far one of the biggest failings of the entire system for honest sellers. 


When a buyer opens a case with PayPal for a fraudulent item, they are required to submit evidence that the item is fake, usually by gaining confirmation directly from the brand, or an authorised dealer, in written format, with verifiable business details so that PayPal can confirm that the business confirming the claim is legitimate, as well as have a little more confidence that the buyer is likely telling the truth. Even that does not guarantee that the buyer is telling the truth, though. It just means the business examined a fake product.... Do you see where I am going with this? 


Fakes are a problem, I agree, and I do think eBay should be more pro-active in how they handle some of these known fakes and fraudulent sellers, but a virtual indiscriminate 'ban-hammer', based on little more than unsupported comments, is more of a knee-jerk reaction than a carefully considered solution - it is far too simplistic, and ultimately an unrealistic way to deal with the problem. 



Message 21 of 26
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Re: 99% of Apple accessories listed on eBay are complete counterfeits.

Totaly agree.Ebay knows they are counterfeit, but when I list a modded xbox with games from overseas it gets wiped out by Ebay the next day. Yes I know you cant really sell the games even though the modded box is legal but nothing was hidden.

 But For donkeys years Ebay does nothing with people selling copied discs, and heaps of counterfeit phone and computer related equipment and goodness knows what else, But watch out if you sell a modded XBox!!

Message 22 of 26
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Re: 99% of Apple accessories listed on eBay are complete counterfeits.

This one time, in my high school art class, the teacher asked us to design an exercise machine for dogs, one that gave them an incentive to use it. Without even giving it any thought, I basically came up witha treadmill that effectively utilised corporal punishment when the dog stopped running (that was pretty much how I was brought up) as the incentive.


My teacher looked at it, and simply said "instead of punishing the dog for not doing what you want it to, why not reward it when it does use it, so that the dog wants to do what you want it to do?" 


That little lightbulb moment wasn't quite as embarassing as the day I tried to show off and do a handstand, but my top slipped up (down?) to reveal I wasn't wearing a bra, but it was pretty close. Smiley LOL


Ever since then, any time I need to devise a solution to a problem, I try to take that same approach, because while there are a lot of dodgy sellers online, in my experience the majority are good and honest, and I'm tired of all of them being whacked with a stick because a few others aren't. 


So, what would I like to see? How about something positive for the site, something that highlights the good and honest sellers and puts trust back in them, and eBay (which in turn ultimately works to the detriment of the dishonest sellers).


How about eBay, and companies like Apple, invest in a little in PR and create something like an 'approved seller' certification, of sorts, where sellers can not list products under that brand category unless they have pre-approval? It could work differently to authorised resellers, if need be, and buyers could see at a glance that a seller has been given the thumbs up by the brand itself. 

Message 23 of 26
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Re: 99% of Apple accessories listed on eBay are complete counterfeits.

Here's what ended up happening:


2 sellers refunded me in full and did not want me to send the items back.

the 3rd seller did not respond and ebay refunded me in full.


so in conclusion, i scored 3 free counterfeit apple items. woot!


Srsly, tho. what a waste of time and money. I'm just going to buy all apple stuff directly from apple website from now on, unless I want free counterfeit stuff, then I'll come back to ebay! yay!

Message 24 of 26
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Re: 99% of Apple accessories listed on eBay are complete counterfeits.

ok, why don't u persue a class action against apple for charging customers , in other words ripping them off hundreds of dollars. Google it , you will get thousands of casese. They even got sued for slowing down the processor speed of older phones. 


Apple follows anti market practices and you are happy to go after smaller guys.... lol 


Secondly, a fake / counterfiet item is an exact replica of an apple accessory (if apple manufactures that accessory). 


Most of the apples (unless it is a physical replica) are not counterfeit. They are just cheap accessories. 


You are misguided my friend. Problem is you are only going by case scenario of yours. 

Message 25 of 26
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Re: 99% of Apple accessories listed on eBay are complete counterfeits.

You've replied to a post that's over five years old. The author probably doesn't care anymore.

Check topic and post ages before replying—this topic was happily dead; you've resurrected it, and now it most go through dying all over again!

Message 26 of 26
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