Absolutely no response from seller after payment, no tracking number, not mark posted.

Community Member

I bought an arcade stick from a seller based in Melbourne on Monday and paid the same day, I expected the item to be shipped out on Tuesday, but it wasn't, so I send out an email on Tuesday night, again yesterday, no response or anything.


What should I do? How long should I wait before opening a case? And do I go through eBay money back guarantee or go through Paypal like before? What is the difference?

Message 1 of 152
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151 REPLIES 151

Re: Absolutely no response from seller after payment, no tracking number, not mark posted.

So what was the paypal decision?   Who won the dispute?   Who escalated the dispute....it is not 20 days since it was opened so it was not an automatic closure.


You are the only one who can decide what you want to do.  You have not taken much notice of the advice offered here in the past so I for one will not be offering any more advice.

Message 141 of 152
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Re: Absolutely no response from seller after payment, no tracking number, not mark posted.

Not applicable

Find some Vitamin D and toss the virtual world in the garbage plus find some ants nest to sit on as alternative form of entertainment. 

Message 142 of 152
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Re: Absolutely no response from seller after payment, no tracking number, not mark posted.

@investmenttechnology wrote:

 should I appeal the decision or just send the stick back without the involvement of paypal.

C. None of the above.



Message 143 of 152
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Re: Absolutely no response from seller after payment, no tracking number, not mark posted.

Why the **bleep** would you want to appeal the decision?


You just toying now. Smiley Sad


It sounds to me like your starving for human companionship that's why you continue to post here, mate, my advise to you is to go outdoors


and vist the real world.


Best of luck. Smiley Happy

Message 144 of 152
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Re: Absolutely no response from seller after payment, no tracking number, not mark posted.

investmenttechnology wrote:
should I appeal the decision
So you lost eh?, no suprise there.
*we may be human, but we are still animals*
Message 145 of 152
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Re: Absolutely no response from seller after payment, no tracking number, not mark posted.

OP, still unconvinced you're not trolling, but just in case:


1) You've had all the advice there is to be had on this topic

2) You've repeatedly trashed this advice and been exceptionally rude to people trying to help you, as well as making sweeping statements any fool knows will antagonize others (eg, get a smart phone grandpa)

3) You've then got the nerve to come back asking for more advice, as though you are sincere?


If you're not a devoted troll you are, at best, very peculiar & it may be better that you're existing via smart phone than out in the actual world, speaking to people face to face the way you've been speaking to people here.

Message 146 of 152
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Re: Absolutely no response from seller after payment, no tracking number, not mark posted.

@elusiveeditions wrote:

OP, still unconvinced you're not trolling, but just in case:


1) You've had all the advice there is to be had on this topic

2) You've repeatedly trashed this advice and been exceptionally rude to people trying to help you, as well as making sweeping statements any fool knows will antagonize others (eg, get a smart phone grandpa)

3) You've then got the nerve to come back asking for more advice, as though you are sincere?


If you're not a devoted troll you are, at best, very peculiar & it may be better that you're existing via smart phone than out in the actual world, speaking to people face to face the way you've been speaking to people here.

Oh yeah, he's fishin all right.

Message 147 of 152
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Re: Absolutely no response from seller after payment, no tracking number, not mark posted.

@investmenttechnology wrote:

Oh yeah, you guys are right. It's closed, paypal's email confused me. Anyways, since the paypal case is closed, and the seller said he's happy to take the stick back and give me a refund/exchange, should I appeal the decision or just send the stick back without the involvement of paypal.

Are you serious???? It sounds like you lost the dispute and the seller has still offered to sort it out, do you really need to ask that question? Sheesh. A prime example of Generation ME!  This would have to be some of the worst attention seeking behaviour I have ever seen. Turn the power off for awhile and look out the window. Yes, that's life flying by while you are too engrossed in playing with imaginary friends.

Message 148 of 152
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Re: Absolutely no response from seller after payment, no tracking number, not mark posted.

Sheepie, did ya notice the OP's got a red star for the No of views ????????


Are you gonna hand yours back in now ?         roflmao.gif



"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 149 of 152
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Re: Absolutely no response from seller after payment, no tracking number, not mark posted.



Apologies cats for being frivolous..........................original.gif


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 150 of 152
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