on 18-07-2013 07:59 AM
Was just browsing this morning and found that an item 321128947566 that i bought and paid for at the end of May had been relisted and re-sold.
As you can imagine i am quite peeved.
The seller was slow to respond it took along time, when i informed them after 3 weeks item was not recieved and then when they said they would look in to it they never responded back. I asked again for postage details and got an I'll get back to you email, which they never did. So I opended a case hoping they would email back and something would happen. But nothing.
My money was never refunded as I thought it was an honest mistake, and a problem with Austpost.
BUT obviously not.
Any advise?
Thanks Leah
on 18-07-2013 08:06 AM
>>>So I opended a case hoping they would email back and something would happen. But nothing.
why? if they could have proven to paypal that they did post it, paypal would have informed you of that
if they could not prove to paypal that they posted it you would have gotten your $$ back.
too late now. Paypal offers every buyer protection against non-receipt, (and that insurance is FREE TO THE BUYER), you decided not to claim that offered protection.
on 18-07-2013 08:08 AM
I would be furious too.
Maybe it is the same item or even just a similar one, but the fact remains that if you paid for an item, you should be the one getting it.
If you paid via paypal, I think you should have reported it, opened a dispute, and if it is not too late now, make a claim.
You also have the option of negative feedback and if someone never responded to my questions and I didn't receive my item, that is when i would consider giving it.
on 18-07-2013 08:15 AM
I have not made a claim in Paypal before so i was waiting for the seller to respomd and did not know that i need to esculate the process to make a claim. I thought i was making a claim. So paypal closed the dispute.
Sorry not everyone knows the in's and out's of making a dispute.
Thanks for your reply
on 18-07-2013 08:21 AM
Thanks for your reply.
I have no doubt that it is the same item as it is distinct and has a specific tag on it.
I opended a dispute and waited for the seller to respond, they did not respond and Paypal closed the dispute. As i was not aware that it was up to me to esculate the dispute to get a refund.
Have been buying and selling for years pretty problem free.
on 18-07-2013 09:41 AM
Leah,if you funded your Paypal payment via your credit card or Visa debit card,ask your bank TODAY re a chargeback.
If you didn't fund via a credit card or Visa debit card,send seller one last firm but polite email stating that unless you receive a FULL refund into your Paypal account within 48 hrs,you will be reporting them for Online Fraud.
Here is the link & use the 3rd option down
on 20-07-2013 09:01 AM
Has it been sold for the same price?