on โ12-12-2013 07:59 AM
Hi. I have been blocked by a large eBay seller. I have had no probllems in the past, however in the last couple of weeks
I have sent numerouse emails requesting some more info on the item they had for sale. Mind you I have purchased from the in the past with no problems at all.
I continued to try and contact them and in the end asked eBay to see if they could help. They adv ised me of the normal way to conttact them through their listing. That is whhat i was trying to do and advised them as such. They said they would look into it
I have since been blocked by the seller.....I have given no malic at all, just trying to contact them. I have since sent emails to the service, info and contact email address's to ask what the problem is and how can we resolve it. I have had no reply as yet. mayybe I have been mixed up with someone else?
Any advise would be appreciated
on โ12-12-2013 08:17 AM
had you bought from that particular seller before? maybe if you had sent numerous messages that the seller thought you were just being a nuisance?
on โ12-12-2013 09:34 AM
on โ12-12-2013 10:45 AM
A seller does not have to have a valid reason to block you and if you have sent numerous emails about an item then they probably blocked you because they think you may continue to be high maintenance after the sale. Also when blocking you from buying they can also block you from contacting them through the listing which may well be the reason.
Nothing you can do about it except look for another seller and if you do need to ask questions try and ask them all at once so you are not spamming them with numerous emails.
on โ12-12-2013 11:52 AM
It was very strange and I have moved on from them as a seller. I have bought from them many times in the past with little correspondence and have had a very good rapport. Since then, I sent three contact emails regarding an item and had no response. I have since found out that they have many customer service people moving their items.....maybe one got out on the wrong side of the bed.....Oh well....nothing I can do know, but move on and their loss. One day I will drop into their office and say hello....:-)