Claim denied for undelivered item and tracking shows it's still in China and has not been delivered

It's way past delivery time and item only shows at being in China at 21st September with no further movement.


Openend a claim with PayPal who closed the case ? 


It wasn't for much but I've only ever had a few items not show up and as they are only inexpensive beading things I've not been bothered as things happen .


But this was an order I needed and when I contacted the seller to ask of it's whereabouts I got a reply stating NOT to open a claim and to wait 60 days.


Ummm no , and I'm done on ebay .


No more sales for anyone , here in AU or overseas . Thanks for when it was great to shop on ebay . 


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Claim denied for undelivered item and tracking shows it's still in China and has not been delivered

Personally I would just buy Aussie and stay away from Chinese.


If you are on the East coast, use the distance from you in searches and enter 2,000 klms from your postcode.

That will eliminate a lot of the Asian sellers pretending to be in Oz.

image host
Message 2 of 7
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Claim denied for undelivered item and tracking shows it's still in China and has not been delivered

You shouldn't have left it so long to open a dispute. If you'd opened it within 30 days of the last ETA date, eBay would have refunded you. The fact you left it and opened it through PayPal was a given that you'd lose as the seller can prove they posted it. PayPal only require proof of postage. EBay require proof of delivery.


I don't think eBay or any sellers are going to shut down because you decide not to use the site any more. I'm not even sure why you came here to announce your departure as eBay don't care. If you had read the help pages and learned how things work, you wouldn't be in this situation. It makes me laugh that those who think they're hard done by and feel ripped off are all newish buyers who don't know how things work because they didn't take the time to learn. They are also people who only seem to buy cheap junk from China, who are notorious for stringing buyers along to avoid having to refund..

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Claim denied for undelivered item and tracking shows it's still in China and has not been delivered

Did you even bother to call Paypal and try to get them to re-open the case and give you a refund as you had received nothing? Did you fund your payment with a credit card and try a bank chargeback? Both those options would have been a better use of your time than coming here to spit your dummy to other buyers who will just continue on as before based on their own experience, not yours.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 4 of 7
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Claim denied for undelivered item and tracking shows it's still in China and has not been delivered


Ummm no , and I'm done on ebay .


No more sales for anyone , here in AU or overseas . Thanks for when it was great to shop on ebay . 


isnt that a bit drastic?


why not just be more careful where you buy from, check feedback. if a seller is shipping from china and saying they are shipping from australia you can bet someones left feedback warning of it.


ive had a couple of items not turn up from china, never buy anything expensive, allways got refunds via the 'my item didnt arrive' claim.


i would never quit ebay because some chinese seller scammed me. cant judge the whole of ebay on 1 or 2 missfires.

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Claim denied for undelivered item and tracking shows it's still in China and has not been delivered

awweeee  shucks, you guysssss........   so harsh Man Wink

Comon`, we've all been in this OP's shoes before when we were newbies and green around the gills.
Give her a break.

fuzzy Q, I'm sorry you feel this way about ebay. While there are multiple online ways to relieve you of your weekly pay packet, not all of them have help boards like this one, so if you really want to stay (and I have my suspicions that you do...) then when purchases go sour for you, come here and nicley ask for advice.
These cranky buggars are real helpful when asked *noicely*   Heart    Smiley Tongue  Heart 

Avoid china for your *must have* items.
But they are ok for items you dont mind waiting a little longer for...

ALWAYS read the sellers feedback before purchasing.... and read the neg comments. ALWAYS.. even for local sellers. ALWAYS!! 

Stay, have a cuppa and a scone.
But lighten up hey..... 
Surely it cant be THAT devestating that you're throwing in the towel already......

I wonder if fuzzy Q will actually come back to read these responses??  Smiley LOL

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Be Kind To Nurses....
They Stop The Doctors From Killing You.
Message 6 of 7
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Claim denied for undelivered item and tracking shows it's still in China and has not been delivered

fuzzyquilter, so what do you want?

Seller advised you correctly, wait 60 days!

Which is what you have found out when your dispute was closed.


You seriously don't think that seller absconded with your small amount of money - laughing all the way to the bank?


Just because you want it within those mostly unrealistic Ebay's dates doen't mean a thing.


How would you like to have to wait for 5 years on a handbag - fully prepaid - if you don't pre pay they won't give you a time of day!

Try ordering Kelly or Birkin from Hermes.


So stop bugging them, the seller - and only advise them after 60 ++++ days if it still doen't turn up.

Message 7 of 7
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