Credit Card Rejection

I have been trying to purchase a silver cutlery set through eBay but it keeps rejecting the credit card payment


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Credit Card Rejection

@sugar249 wrote:

@imastawka wrote:

If they had funds it would be a debit card


A credit card

Actually thats wrong, all credit cards have a limit. ie. I have one with $1000 and another with $20,000,  if you go over the limit you do not have funds

And actually having a credit card with $20,000 limit - if nicked - hello.

Message 11 of 20
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Credit Card Rejection

@domino-710 wrote:

@sugar249 wrote:

@imastawka wrote:

If they had funds it would be a debit card


A credit card

Actually thats wrong, all credit cards have a limit. ie. I have one with $1000 and another with $20,000,  if you go over the limit you do not have funds

And actually having a credit card with $20,000 limit - if nicked - hello.

Well having a platinum is even worse.  LOL.

Message 12 of 20
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Credit Card Rejection

Not unless it is kept in a safe - till needed - if needed.


The handbag don't cut it.

Message 13 of 20
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Credit Card Rejection

$1500 p.a in fees to keep it in a safe - just in case?

Message 14 of 20
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Credit Card Rejection

Well - yes.


When used over a 12 month period - by the family - there are enough generous benefits to offset the initial outlay.


Travel - Dining - Subscriptions etc. 


Besides - nothing like having a ' Consierge '. lol


Bit  like the $59 Woolies Rewards per year - one shop a month 10% off.


But notice that is going up to $70.

Message 15 of 20
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Credit Card Rejection

Yeah, thanks Woolies - they've now made it instore shopping only for that 10% off!

Message 16 of 20
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Credit Card Rejection

Not sure why they have chosen to do this - very difficult for those who have remained loyal and are only able to shop online.


I did get a message the initial sign up will be extended for a further 3 months - then it will be $70.

Message 17 of 20
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Credit Card Rejection

@imastawka wrote:

Yeah, thanks Woolies - they've now made it instore shopping only for that 10% off!

I don't subscribe to Woolies Plus, so don't pay a subscription. I do get 10% off every month whether instore or online, because my phone is with Woolies Mobile. It runs on the Telstra network, but way cheaper than what I was paying with Telstra. WAY CHEAPER! Since signing up several years ago, NEVER had an issue with it. Not once. It's pre paid, so if you set up it up to do so, it automatically recharges before midnight on the day it needs to be recharged. I pay $20 a month for way more phone calls and data than I need (unused carries over to next month). Why pay $70 when I can pay $20 and get the same thing?


As for credit cards, why would someone need multiple? Like, one for $1,000 and another for $20,000? Isn't that just twice as many fees? I got a Mastercard in the late 80s. It had a limit of $500. Today, it still has a limit of $500. When we got our mortgage, they added a credit card to it. We cancelled it immediately. Why did we need another one? My husband's card has a limit of $1,000 and has been that way for over 20 years.

Message 18 of 20
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Credit Card Rejection

What I'd do is sign up to paypal and pay through that.


On some other online purchases (not ebay) I have found sometimes paypal works when the credit card number is playing up & vice versa.

I recently had trouble with my credit card (and yes, plenty of credit as I used it afterwards at the local shops) on the school Bookclub site. It kept coming up with a message it could not honour the transaction. 

Paypal worked like a dream. Same credit card registered with paypal. Go figure.

Message 19 of 20
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Credit Card Rejection

@*sons_n_daughters* wrote:

@imastawka wrote:

Yeah, thanks Woolies - they've now made it instore shopping only for that 10% off!


As for credit cards, why would someone need multiple? Like, one for $1,000 and another for $20,000? Isn't that just twice as many fees? 

One personal, one business.   Zero fee's on either so no issue.


Also never paid a cent of interest on either as always paid off before the due date.

Message 20 of 20
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