DANGER-Ebay is protecting chinese sellers

Left a negative for a chinese seller-promptly got pulled off their account and their rating increased.


so much for the feedback system and so much for aussie sellers.


the chinese are a protected species around here.


This affects my willingness to ever buy anything here again.


China must be punished for what they have done to the world and to our lives-ebay are not a good global citizen.

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Re: DANGER-Ebay is protecting chinese sellers

Why did you leave a neg & what did you say?

Message 2 of 11
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Re: DANGER-Ebay is protecting chinese sellers

Yet you chose to buy from them in the first place



Or did you  buy something from one of them  purely just so you could leave a racist ranting comment as feedback?



You want them punished but you buy from them, you want to support Aussies but buy from China



Have'nt you threatened before 'not to buy on eBay again' ?


I am sure eBay will miss you very much 




Message 3 of 11
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Re: DANGER-Ebay is protecting chinese sellers

@supermussolinibros wrote:


This affects my willingness to ever buy anything here again.


China must be punished for what they have done to the world and to our lives-ebay are not a good global citizen.


so you want China punished for the coronavirus and eBay is the punishment tool of choice?


What about blaming those who buy items from China?  Oh wait, that would include you!


It looks like your stance is one of โ€œit is okay to buy from China as long as things go smoothly, but if there is a problem then they should be punished!โ€


Hardly a principled stance.

Message 4 of 11
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Re: DANGER-Ebay is protecting chinese sellers

@supermussolinibros wrote:



China must be punished for what they have done to the world and to our lives

That's probably why eBay removed it - I mean, if your one red dot on a seller's eBay profile is capable of punishing one of the more powerful countries in the world in its entirety, perhaps eBay thought that was too much power for one person to wield. Or, they didn't want to be caught up in the ensuing fallout. Maybe try reviewing China itself on a site that can handle being the vessel of such great power (just don't forget to be responisble with it). 



TBH I wouldn't actually be surprised if a lot of negs being issued to Chinese sellers at the moment are "revenge" negs - not unlike when Australia Post first opened their store here and hundreds of people took the opportunity to leave negs purely for all the past "wrongs" they felt Aus Post had done to them. Which in turn means I would not be surprised if eBay are being even more accommodating than usual when it comes to neg removal. 

Message 5 of 11
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Re: DANGER-Ebay is protecting chinese sellers

Please take your racist nonsense elsewhere.

Message 6 of 11
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Re: DANGER-Ebay is protecting chinese sellers

ID says it all.

Message 7 of 11
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Re: DANGER-Ebay is protecting chinese sellers

please take your marxist rubbish somewhere else

Message 8 of 11
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Re: DANGER-Ebay is protecting chinese sellers

I've read before that some major sellers on ebay somehow do manage to have negative feedback removed. I've seen several threads to that effect, with screenshots to prove it, so it is definitely a 'thing'. And I agree with you, fair negative feedback should not be removed.


I don't think it happens for all or even most sellers though, just a few major ones. It definitely doesn't happen for all Chinese sellers either as I have seen plenty of them with a fair bit of negative or neutral feedback too.


A lot depends on what you actually said in the negative. We would need to see that before we could make a stab as to whether it was unfairly removed or not.

Like you, I believe China & the spread of the virus etc is worth investigation. I suspect they covered up a lot.

But that is a political matter and unrelated to your purchase on ebay. It would be inappropriate (in my opinion anyway) if you made any reference to political type stuff in a feedback comment. I am not saying you actually did, just making the observation that if you did make any reference to it, that could be grounds for a seller to ask for feedback removal.

I think there are also several other things/topics that can cause feedback to be removed. Abuse, mentioning ebay or paypal claims too I believe is a no-no?

So it comes down to-what exactly did you say in the  feedback?

Message 9 of 11
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Re: DANGER-Ebay is protecting chinese sellers

1. What did you buy ?
2. Why did you leave negative feedback ?
3. What did you write ?
4. What has China done to the world ?
5. Why is eBay not a good global citizen ?
Message 10 of 11
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