on 23-06-2013 09:45 PM
I just won an item: 271223863677. It says postage and handling is $10.50. But the invoice has come though with a postage and handling of $11.75. Have I missed something? I've written to the Seller to ask about it. Is there some reason that the Seller would change the postage and handling quote? I assume the invoice was automatically generated, so why would there be a discrepancy?
on 25-06-2013 06:43 PM
shahmink - the seller is correct in saying there is a particular size for businesses only.
This satchel is bigger and costs more than what shows as being available on the AP website for the general public.
In saying that though, the sets would have weighed well over 3kg so the seller is lucky they weren't billed for underpaid postage
going by aus post a 5kg express satchel cost $23.60 and the seller is sending in a 3kg express satchel for $14.80.....not fair on the buyer
Perhaps you should read everything. The jumbo satchel is more expensive than the standard.
If a buyer agrees to a price including postage, then the buyer has agreed to a price including postage and has no reason to consider they have been ripped off. After all, a reasonable person would assume they were happy with that total price.
on 25-06-2013 07:18 PM
Perhaps you should read everything. The jumbo satchel is more expensive than the standard.
If a buyer agrees to a price including postage, then the buyer has agreed to a price including postage and has no reason to consider they have been ripped off. After all, a reasonable person would assume they were happy with that total price
i read what the buyer said, they agreed on postage of $25.95 and the seller sent the item in a jumbo 3kg satchel....is that going to cost the seller that much to send the jumbo satchel when the item can be posted in a 5kg express satchel for $23.60
on 25-06-2013 07:26 PM
You quoted the cost for the STANDARD 3kg satchel. Presumably the jumbo one is more expensive.
on 25-06-2013 07:56 PM
You quoted the cost for the STANDARD 3kg satchel. Presumably the jumbo one is more expensive.
i thought you read about the jumbo satchel in # 15 thats what i was talking about
anyway the seller charged the buyer for a 5kg express satchel but only sending in a 3kg express jumbo satchel
on 25-06-2013 08:46 PM
Just to clarify so all understand like I do now.
I purchased 4 quilt cover sets and the combined postage amount was $25.95 - no problems. But when I received the package, I noticed it was in a 3kg express post satchel which I know doesn't cost as much as I''d paid so I queried it with the seller.
I've been told and have confirmed that prepaid satchels express post 3kg max weight come in more than one size. The size that the AP website has priced at $14.80 is the small size.
In order for the 4 quilt cover sets to fit in the satchel, the seller had to use the jumbo size which still has a max weight limit of 3kg but costs more.
As jenmanchester said in #15, the goods should've weighed more than 3kg (something I didn't check) so the seller was lucky to get away with using the 3kg bag at all.
In response to rkwm888 in #21 - yes I agreed to pay the $25.95 postage costs BUT you don't know how the seller is packaging it or posting it until it arrives so I have every right to question the charges if I think I have been ripped off once I receive the goods.
In a recent transaction a seller charged me a combined postage amount of $7.80 for 2 DVD's and when I received them the amount of postage paid was only $3.00.
A lot of sellers these days are overcharging with on postage to put a couple of extra bucks in their pockets and I'm not playing that game.
on 25-06-2013 09:01 PM
i dont know the cost of the jumbo 3kg satchels and i'm pretty sure that they dont cost anything like the 5kg express satchel of $23.60
on 25-06-2013 09:13 PM
I was told what I've been charged is about right.
The AP website doesn't list the prices for these "business only" pre-paid jumbo satchels only the prices for the ones the general public use.
I know what you're point is rkwm888 about the 5kg satchel price but it's not just all about the weight of the items being posted. The dimensions of the goods also affects the price. I didn't look at the mm x mm size of the 5kg satchel but I'm guessing it wouldn't fit the goods I purchased anyways.