on 03-11-2012 09:47 PM
Hi Everybody
I recently purchased this item 290804700034 and received an item identical to this item 160903781478.
It performs the same function, but the item I got is made in China and ½ the price.
Should I worry about it?.....Is it worth complaining?
Any opinions would be appreciated.
on 03-11-2012 09:56 PM
on 03-11-2012 10:04 PM
I would be very miffed about the bait and switch and be advising the seller you didn't receive the item you paid for. short of an offer to supply the item you purchased I would be opening an item not as described with paypal and then follow up by leaving negitive feed back and 1 for each of the star ratings
on 04-11-2012 01:59 AM
A description should describe an item in detail - especially all faults. I am tired of buying inadequately described items and of sellers who rely on photo's to provide a description.
on 04-11-2012 07:45 AM
looks like the shonky seller will use this line in the description to get out of an item not as described dispute
Please note: Some units are in alloy housings, colour may be black or silver.
on 04-11-2012 09:24 AM
If I was buying something like a voltage convertor I would assume it was most likely made in China whether I purchased it from an Australian Seller or a Chinese Seller.
If is identical to the item you purchased but in black instead of silver then the seller has stated that the colour may be black or silver.
If is not identical, other than colour, you need to contact the seller.
on 04-11-2012 11:53 AM
Hi, thanks for the replies
I initially did not know about the item I received being sold on eBay as I always check the Australia only box first when I am buying and then spread out if I don't find what I want. So the item I got did not come up on the search when I bought what I thought I was getting and when I got it I just thought, as mentioned, it could be silver or black and that's just the way it is. It wasn't until a day or so later I thought I would do a world search just to see what came up......and there it was......China......½ price.
This guy is trying to perform a robbery and line his pockets with gold out in broad daylight, that's what leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
I think I will send a message and see what he says.
on 04-11-2012 12:24 PM
OP...colour & voltages aside, they appear to be completely different items.
on 04-11-2012 12:28 PM
Colour isn't the only difference.
on 04-11-2012 12:57 PM
Hi, thanks for the replies
I initially did not know about the item I received being sold on eBay as I always check the Australia only box first when I am buying and then spread out if I don't find what I want. So the item I got did not come up on the search when I bought what I thought I was getting and when I got it I just thought, as mentioned, it could be silver or black and that's just the way it is. It wasn't until a day or so later I thought I would do a world search just to see what came up......and there it was......China......½ price.
This guy is trying to perform a robbery and line his pockets with gold out in broad daylight, that's what leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
I think I will send a message and see what he says.
Is the item really different or is the real issue that you feel you have been ripped of as you subsequently found a similar item on eBay at a much cheaper price?
If the real problem is that you feel you have been ripped of on price then that is not the fault of the seller. As the buyer you had every opportunity to research the prices before purchasing.
If the seller is importing them into Australia then with all the costs of running a business over here then of course it is going to be more expensive than buying directly from China.