on โ24-12-2018 10:39 AM
I while back I was looking for a water pump and saw one like this:
Mini Brushless DC Water Pump DC 12V 5W 280L/H Lift 300cm Submersible Fountain G4
I noticed that the seller was based in Chullora, NSW. Then I saw another seller selling the same item with same pictures again, based in Chullora, NSW. There were at least 4 sellers based in Chullora selling the same item, often at exactly the same price and description. Interestingly many of the neg feedbacks reported long shipping times and suspected items were based in China, not Australia. The responses to feedback indicated all sellers has very little grasp of English. I reported this to EBay as I suspected theye are indeed the one seller drop-shipping from China. I was looking for a pump again the other day and noticed the same thing with supposedly 5 sellers all based in Chullora. I'm sure some were the same ones I reported months ago. Judging by the high volume of sales I assume EBay turns a blind eye to the policy breaches. Then again, why am I surprised. EBay ain't what it used to be.
on โ24-12-2018 10:46 AM
The item may very well have said Chullora but I doubt it said the seller was registered in anywhere but China
And yes, eBay Aus will (if anything) only report it to eBay China who will do nothing
Could you post the item numbers please?
on โ24-12-2018 11:04 AM
on โ24-12-2018 01:38 PM
You have to feel for the ebay sellers that actually live in Chullora.
on โ24-12-2018 01:46 PM
That is for sure (and Botany etc)
on โ01-01-2019 04:27 PM
Some of these sellers have 400,000+ rating. They're making millions of dollars for eBay, so I have no doubt eBay will ignore the policy breaches.
on โ01-01-2019 09:42 PM
The fact is, many of these supposed Aussie sellers are actually in China. The order is sent to China and the seller sends the items from China. I complained to Ebay on 3 occasions. more than 6 to 12 months apart and they answered with "That should never be happening" and "We will act immediayely" Nothing ever happened.
We have sellers in Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and China all pulling the same stunt. If you ask them where they're based they answer an entirely different question (Play Dumb) A few Chinese sellers do have outlets in various places around Australia and you're right, Chullora is a popular place. Many of these sellers have multiple IDs. One who said he ran a warehouse in Darwin had at least 10 IDs that I found. I gave them all to Ebay and nothing happened.
I believe you're also right about drop shipping. A Chinese person (never an Aussie) runs a business from home and holds a lot of smaller items as stock. If he runs out of an item or something listed isn't in his stash he tells China to send it over. This is where the complaints come from. Look at his Negatives, sometimes 4- or 50 per month and you'll see "He's not in Australia" but look at the postive feedback and you'll see the "Very fast deliveries" True Aussie sellers are almost extinct because of these sellers. The Chinese cheaters can undercut their prices all day and the Aussie can't hope to get anwhere near them.
I've spent many hours trying to find items actually within Australia, but with many in my area of buying are Chinese or some other Asian country. I believe Ebay is being told by these people that they have genuine warehouses in Chullora etc. That's why we're not paying GST when we buy from them. Of course they don't mention a lot of their sales are coming from China. I'm no Einstein and I know this, Ebay must know it as well, but they know if they close them down they'll re-register in China and start again PLUS and yes it's a big plus, have you seen the 5 figure sales they've made and of course Ebay is happy to let them operate.
I believe the only way to fight back is to do it en-masse. It needs a lot of us to let Ebay know our Aussie sellers are being puit out of business. The biggest problem with this is Aussies aren't the types who get together in these instances. They're pefectly happy to see us lose our sellers get taken over by other nationalities. Personally I think it stinks, but I've tried and nothing happened. By the way, try to find one of these sellers who doesn't have at least 5 figure sales. They always pop up with a heathy sales record ???
Who else has found a seller who boasts an Aussie, US and UK address and registred in China. I've heard from a reliable source that big Chinese sellers in China are reruiting Chinese immigrants to sell for them. It appears logical and from what I've seen it's very likely. Whilst they would be seen as Aussie sellers, everything is OK. I just had a fight you wouldn't believe with one of them, A camera which was had major issues with it's sensor, brand new and I asked for a refund. He pulled every trick in the book to put me off, but just on principle I refused to back down. $3 refunds became $6 refunds, a full refund if I was willing to wait 15 days. Why would an Aussie seller have to wait 15 days to pay a refund? Judging by his sales he wasn't broke.
These days I do everything, including paying more if the person is registered in Australia, but at times no Aussie is selling what I'm after. Rather than support these cheating sellers I'll go direct to China to buy it. Ay exactly the same price as the local cheater.
One final thing. Don't expect this to stop, but I'm betting on a big price hike once they've got rid of all Aussie sellers of New Chinese goods. It has to happen, I've been dealing with Chinese sellers for 23 years. They will do anything to make more money and once one does it the rest follow suit. Exactly what happened across China in January of last year and has been going on ever since.
on โ01-01-2019 11:32 PM
A lot of Australian sellers don't sell items made or counterfeited in China. So they are not affected.
eBay is really the main game in town, so I doubt too many members are going to jeopardise their buying/selling privileges (note that word) by creating waves. Anecdotally, only something like 5% of members even know the boards exist, so up to 95% of members won't even see your 'suggestion'.
Nobody forces them to list on eBay, just like nobody forces you to buy 17 cheap cameras on eBay.
on โ02-01-2019 12:13 PM - last edited on โ02-01-2019 06:44 PM by gewens
Gee you know so much, and Christmas is next week. Actually you don't know about percentages regarding sellers or buyers, th way I see your post is one of "I know more about it than you" Why the remark about me buying "Cheap" cameras, that sort of thing is wrong is it?
If I wish to buy cameras which are listed as "Fully Working" I should be able to expect cameras which are "Fully Working" Anyway, why mention it here, tis thread has nothing to do with what I purchase. It's obvious you know very little about the subject of this post so maybe you should mind your own business.
FYI Aussie sellers were selling a LOT of Chinese items, but owing to the situation with illegally operating Chinese sellers the vast majority of them are no longer with us. If you stopped ,making remarks and looked into it for as long as I have, kust maybe you'd understand why few Aussies are now selling what they used to. By the sounds of your comment, so I'll simply leave you to it and unsubscribe. Mind you I gig have a laugh. "Mind that word" and you don't indicate which word.
By the way, I happen to have 4 examples to prove my point and all you can muster is "Only something like 5%" A figure obviously pulled ftom where the Sun don't shine. I suggest you go away and do a little research and give some more accurate "guesses" Perhaps I should include the 5 times I was scammed on Gumtree during the last year, or the guy who tried to scam me for $1700 only 4 months ago. Out of all the business on either Ebay ot Gumtree it seems at least 30% of people were definitely not concerned about "making waves"
Also FYI very few items are "Counterfeited" in China. generally copied and dold under different names from the originals I'll agree with, but only from personal experience after placing over 650 orders (averaging 3 items in aech) with BangGood within under 2 years. From memory Ionly found one item which I thought to be pirated, but after a little detective work I discovered the item was licence free, anyone could copy it. It would appear your "Knowledge" is only hearsay, you definitely don't understand the Chinese and Asian markets and how their selling practices effect Aussie, American and British sellers..
on โ02-01-2019 12:34 PM
"Mind that word" and you don't indicate which word.
The one preceding it. The customary attribution.