on โ24-12-2020 05:14 AM
They seem to do this after a certain number of purchases. Now being forced to use Parcel Point. I have asked at both Big W and Woolworths and they have no knowledge of being removed. I have tried changing postcode locations all over the place and none offer the two.It's all parcelpoint which I believe is an Ebay owned business . Parcel Point is useless where I am. Anyone else not able to choose Big W or Woolies in Sydney area or surrounds. Cheers
on โ24-12-2020 06:39 AM
I don't know the answer but if it doesn't work and it should be working, you could ask in the 'technical issues' board. Someone there may be able to help.
on โ24-12-2020 08:36 AM
It is not up to ebay.....Woolworths and Big W are free to refuse to accept ebay deliveries if they want to. Some will accept them and others will not.
In view of the number of problems I think a lot of the stores are rethinking the whole system.
Parcelpoint is an Australian business and not owned by ebay. It is used by a lot of courier companies for deliveries when there is no-one home.
on โ24-12-2020 09:18 AM
eBay don't read any boards, even 'Technical Issues', so it is pointless posting there.
on โ24-12-2020 12:33 PM
Big W and Woolies are not refusing anything. As I said I have asked at both and they don't know why they have been removed or if they have. I'm trying to find out if others are affected or maybe just my account.
on โ24-12-2020 12:36 PM
Do the sellers actually offer c&c? A lot don't, as adding yet another party to the transaction is a recipe for trouble.
Have you tried AP Parcel Lockers/Collect?
โ24-12-2020 12:38 PM - edited โ24-12-2020 12:39 PM
@marwane123 wrote:As I said I have asked at both and they don't know why they have been removed or if they have.
It's been reported previously that some managers in some stores have decided not to carry on with "click and collect".
It was never a good system anyway, putting an extra variable in the delivery process was always going to be possibly problematic.
Edit. Morning Dave..........snap.
on โ24-12-2020 12:41 PM
Afternoon padi.