on 14-03-2013 11:20 AM
Hmmm. I am trying to search for decking footings. Ebay keeps changing my search to decking fittings. If I wanted fittings I'd freaking search for fittings instead of footings. Deck Stumps gets changed to deck stamps!!!! STOP IT! I KNOW WHAT I WANT!!!
Very frustrating...
on 14-03-2013 01:40 PM
"0 results found for decking footings, so we searched for decking fittings"
There are no listings for decking footings
That's what I got when i tried it - the spelling didn't change as a typed. I wonder if the OP was using an ipad, the auto correct on mine does horrible things to my spelling.
on 14-03-2013 01:42 PM
Use Google - you might be surprised by what you find:|
on 14-03-2013 01:49 PM
Hit the Space Bar before you hit Enter
That seems to stop the auto generated word search from entering other options in the field
on 14-03-2013 01:50 PM
I don't use nor own any i-gadgets or smart phones, I only access ebay with a real computer (desktop or laptop) and the problem remains
on 14-03-2013 02:19 PM
What exactly are you trying to find? Aren't footings the hole you fill with concrete to support the posts which hold up the decking? I don't think there is any such thing as a "decking footing".
Are you looking for post supports (sometimes called stirrups)?
on 14-03-2013 07:46 PM
ebay has done that to me also.. It didn't change the letters as I was typing but it changed them right after I hit Search.. Tried to search for Puggles (small beanie type toy) and it got changed to puzzles.
on 14-03-2013 08:19 PM
happens constantly...changes letters etc - use Advanced Search
on 14-03-2013 08:35 PM
What exactly are you trying to find? Aren't footings the hole you fill with concrete to support the posts which hold up the decking? I don't think there is any such thing as a "decking footing".
Are you looking for post supports (sometimes called stirrups)?
I am no builder but I think the footings are the metal things that stick out of the concrete to support the deck
on 14-03-2013 08:35 PM
I am no builder but I think the footings are the metal things that stick out of the concrete to support the deck
That should be the supports for the supports
on 14-03-2013 09:12 PM