Feedback etiquette

What is everyone's opinion on leaving feedback as a buyer? I won't leave feedback until the seller has left it first because as a buyer and having paid for the item I have completed my end of the bargain first, therefore I beleive the seller should comment after receiving funds which Is before the item is posted. I think when the seller tries to wait they are being defensive and possibly have something to hide or want the opportunity to leave poor feedback if they receive it. When I sell something I always leave feedback first.
Message 1 of 29
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Feedback etiquette

th_shhh.gif      Lol.  It's become a game of hide and seek,  slr

How come you haven't been busted for it ?            - seek and ye shall find       

Message 11 of 29
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Feedback etiquette

A) there are none so blind as those that can not see

Message 12 of 29
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Feedback etiquette

@melenny01 wrote:
What is everyone's opinion on leaving feedback as a buyer? I won't leave feedback until the seller has left it first because as a buyer and having paid for the item I have completed my end of the bargain first, therefore I beleive the seller should comment after receiving funds which Is before the item is posted. I think when the seller tries to wait they are being defensive and possibly have something to hide or want the opportunity to leave poor feedback if they receive it. When I sell something I always leave feedback first.

as a seller I never leave feedback first for no other reason than if a buyer does not leave it, then they are not worried about recieving it . feedback is more important to buyers than sellers generally .

after a buyer has recieved their goods if they leave feedback then this tells the seller that they have recieved their goods and are happy with the transaction


If on the other hand a buyer recieves an item that they are not happy with it's always nice if you can  contact the seller before leaving feedback .


most sellers are more than happy to help if there is a problem




Message 13 of 29
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Feedback etiquette

As a Seller I always leave feedback after the Buyer has left same and indicate as such in my listings as it seems to be the most logical order for it to be done as it serves as an indicator that the item has, in fact, arrived at the intended location and it gives the Buyer and I an opportunity to resolve any issues that may crop up (not that it's happened to date but, I'm a realist, something may crop up one day) before "closing out" the transaction.


As a Buyer, I don't expect a Seller to leave feedback until I've received the item and left feedback.  Happened once that I wasn't happy with the item, contacted Seller, things got a bit heated, harsh words exchanged but, we struck a compromise we could both work with and I left positive feedback.  Didn't expect any from the Seller at all but, they ended up leaving me a really positive comment.


At the end of the day, whatever works for you but, best to state at what point in the transaction you will leave feedback if you're a Seller as that way, the Buyers isn't left guessing.

Message 14 of 29
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Feedback etiquette

@downeyas wrote:
I leave feedback when I have been paid and I have printed out the invoice

I leave it sometime after I post, and get around 50% in return. I don't waste paper and ink printing invoices, though.


But that doesn't matter as defect thresholds are based on transactions, not feedback, in which case no feedback is (defectless) good feedback. The only time it would be an issue is if you get a neg, which does count against feedback totals.


Which has nothing to do with the OP, who doesn't seem to understand the concept of voluntary feedback.

Message 15 of 29
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Feedback etiquette

If you think feedback should be left as soon as you've paid, to give you that pat on the back for paying for something you bought, then you should leave feedback as soon as the seller marks the item as posted, before you've received it. After all, the seller has done their bit and posted, just like you've done your bit by paying. Fairs fair.

Message 16 of 29
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Feedback etiquette

Because buyers can now only receive Positive feedback & is basically useless for anything, the sooner buyer feedback is replaced by a transaction count the better.
Message 17 of 29
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Feedback etiquette

I guess it depends on the personality of the buyer.

I personally leave feedback after every transaction, regardless of whether the seller has left any, and I try to honestly reflect how the transaction went for me.

If they sent something fast or if they were really helpful, I would like to mention it. I think those comments can be useful information for other buyers.


Fortunately, all my transactions over the last year or so have been very positive. Much harder if something wasn't so good.


I give feedback once I have the item, I don't base it on whether or not the seller has given me any feedback. Most seem to give me feedback after I have given it to them and that is fine with me.


Probably not logical, but I do think it looks organised when a seller does finish with feedback (after a positive transaction). It doesn't matter if it comes before or after mine but it feels as if the whole transaction has been completed, all the i's dotted and t's crossed.Smiley Happy

Yep, probably illiogical but i think a fair few buyers feel that way.

Message 18 of 29
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Feedback etiquette

@melenny01 wrote:
I think when the seller tries to wait they are being defensive and possibly have something to hide or want the opportunity to leave poor feedback if they receive it. 

This is called an impression, i.e. that's the way it looks to you based on your own ideas, experiences and bias. 


It's much simpler not to assign motives to someone else based on those kinds of things. There are many reasons why a seller will choose at which stage they leave feedback, and that choice is theirs - respect that, rather than second-guess it, and this won't be an issue. 

Message 19 of 29
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Feedback etiquette


Apparently, your buying is based on green dots, which contrasts with your selling (those who buy from you).


I looked at your feedback as both a buyer and a seller, and I noticed something very revealing...


It seems you only buy from sellers with 10,000's or 100,000's of feedback.  Why is that?


Yet, almost all of your buyers (those to whom you sell) have FB scores under 500.


Now, if you don't comprehend the irony of those stats in relation to your comment, you'll never understand.



A seller who moves 1,000's of cheap items per month can leave immediated FB and afford to take a few 'hits'.


A seller who moves a few expensive items per month cannot afford a single negative FB or any DR's below 5.


Message 20 of 29
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