on โ23-10-2014 12:21 PM
How can sellers from overseas manipulate eBay listings?
I go to place a bid when no bids are shown and I'm not the highest bidder.
"Reserve Not Met" is shown when zero bids are shown.
I place a bid and a privet mysterious bidder places a bid, now this is manipulating eBay.
I am fed-up with is and eBay should do something about it now.
on โ23-10-2014 12:38 PM
If an auction on say a bracelet or some other common,non personal item is in a private auction there may be some shill bidding behind it.I saw one of your sellers has private auctions has this type of item so maybe avoid these.
The thing with a private auction is that every bidder's identity is hidden,so you can't see what % of bids were with the same seller to check if it's shill bidding.
There is nothng wrong with a private auction but when it is on non personal or perhaps very expensive items,there may be something suss with the seller chosing the private format.
Throw up an item number on such an auction if you want people here to look at it & see what they think.
on โ23-10-2014 12:50 PM
@atticooo wrote:How can sellers from overseas manipulate eBay listings?
I go to place a bid when no bids are shown and I'm not the highest bidder.
"Reserve Not Met" is shown when zero bids are shown.
I place a bid and a privet mysterious bidder places a bid, now this is manipulating eBay.
I am fed-up with is and eBay should do something about it now.
There is possibly another bidder elsewhere wondering the same thing. You do realize that to the other bidder you would be showing as a private bidder too?
on โ23-10-2014 01:04 PM
It could be 'the reserve' has not yet been met.
The bidding will perhaps reach the reserve then begin to show the current bid.
on โ23-10-2014 02:13 PM
@2011.narelle wrote:If an auction on say a bracelet or some other common,non personal item is in a private auction there may be some shill bidding behind it.I saw one of your sellers has private auctions has this type of item so maybe avoid these.
The thing with a private auction is that every bidder's identity is hidden,so you can't see what % of bids were with the same seller to check if it's shill bidding.
There is nothng wrong with a private auction but when it is on non personal or perhaps very expensive items,there may be something suss with the seller chosing the private format.
Throw up an item number on such an auction if you want people here to look at it & see what they think.
I've been using the private option on my most recent listings just to see how it works from the sellers end, as there may be occassions when I feel it might be to my behefit to use it.
There is very good reason for using the private option that you appear not to have realized, for buyers and sellers alike.
If you are an ebayer that both buys and sells using the same account, and the items you are selling include items you have bought on eBay (either from o/s, or from low start auctions that didn't attract much attention for whatever reason; maybe they were poorly photographed/presented, or finished at an ungodly hour), then it would aid you if you had purchased it via private format (assuming you had left the seller feedback).
The reason being, if you are selling let's say (I hope you don't mind if I nick one of your listings for this) a LEONA EDMISTON-Purple floral off shoulder Summer dress which you had yourself purchased on ebay, but at a lower price than you are asking or hoping for, it is possible for a studious buyer to find that listing/title and see how much you paid for it. True, it's harder theses days to find given feedback received as a buyer no longer shows the item title or a link to the listing. But the listing title, price, & link does appear on the feedback that the buyer leaves for the seller on the sellers feedback page.
So a determined buyer could start clicking on the IDs they find for those you've bought from, and start sifting through their feedback received until they find it. They then may bid lower than they might have otherwise, or else not at all. Ofc if the seller is a high volume seller this would prove a laborious task, but if the seller is only a part-time/occassional seller it would be simple & fast matter to find it. (I imagine there are often great bargains to be had from occassional sellers that may not have a following of buyers, & who may only be wanting to clear a couple of things & so list them at very low starts, or don't realise the start time & thus end time can be important). If the listing was private however, they can look all they want, they'll never find the listing, title, or price (unless it was very recent & still showing on the sellers completed/sold items).
Tbh, if I were a seller that was reselling items I bought on eBay through the same account I wouldn't even want the sellers IDs to be showing on my feedback page, as it potentially give's up my best suppliers to both my potential buyers & to my competitors, & especially exposes my 'honey hole' sellers,... given that others need only click on those sellers IDs and check their current listings &/or sold/completed listings.
For the sellers, using private may help encourage the buyer-resellers to leave feedback, who might not otherwise (for the reasons above).
If you don't think it's that big of a deal, consider this... there is at least one of the other regular posters in this forum (who I believe may be a friend of yours), who buys & resells through the one account, and which if I took maybe 30 minutes to an hour of looking, I could come back and tell you exactly how much she paid for most/all of her items that she currently has listed. If I took longer I could also tell you how much she paid for those she has sold in the past, what she sold them for, and how much she made. Now if I had been a potential aussie buyer/competitor (which I'm neither) I need only have; ran an ordinary search looking for that type of item, found one of her listings, checked her feedback, checked the ID of the seller she buys from the most, and bingo. If I didn't know her, & weren't afraid of buying from o/s, unless I want it asap then there's no way I would buy from her when I can get the same thing for 'cost'.
These are the primary reasons I use seperate accounts for buying and selling, and why I've been experimenting with & considering using private listings in some instances.. for if/when I'm selling something an ebay reseller might be interested in and I don't want to discourage them from leaving feedback.
on โ23-10-2014 03:04 PM
I realize that not all private listings have sinister intentions.I wouldn't want bidders to wonder i am shill bidding my item up & deter that bidder from my auction.I hate it enough if i have a couple of 0fb bidding madly on a couple of items for the same reason.
I did have a seller buy from me a while ago & i kept an eye on their listings just out of interest.BTW i had no problem with the sale or the fact that they were going to re-sell it,was more of a seller research interest.Anyhoo,this seller has the same type items,similar start price,a few negs that look possibly legit.My interest was that their items had some furious bidding & achieved much better end prices than my similar items.Again,not jelous or annoyed,just wanted to see what they did that i could maybe improve on.All their auctions are now private so i can't see what's happening but maybe a bit of shill.Their lstings are no better than mine,their fb is worse,the items & brands similar/same.
I don't buy from here to re-sell & i don't care if others do.If i did however,i would buy on a separate ID to avoid the pricing/resale issue you mentioned & to avoid private listings which may look suss to some bidders.Probably not many buyers or small % would look through to see what was originally paid.If someone buys low from me & resells at a better price then it's possibly my fault for the listing & i don't resent the other seller for being smart enough to snap it up for a profit.
on โ23-10-2014 03:31 PM
@2011.narelle wrote:I realize that not all private listings have sinister intentions.I wouldn't want bidders to wonder i am shill bidding my item up & deter that bidder from my auction.I hate it enough if i have a couple of 0fb bidding madly on a couple of items for the same reason.
Narelle, I have a lifetime of being exposed to the auction business, starting from about 8 years of age, and ultimitaely making it my profession with over ten years working in an auction house, with a few years where I was in charge of various facets of the business & then the last 5 years as manager. There are very few tricks from either side (bidders, sellers, or auctioneers) that I have not seen or heard of.
I can assure you that in the auction game; no matter how honest you are, or how transparent you try to be, there will always be those that suspect foul play. Some because they don't like losing, and some because despite winning they don't like paying more than they wanted to (which is usually in a currency called 'peanuts'). It is unavoidable.
Given I don't feel kindly to any persons that wish to regard me as dishonest when I'm not, simply because it suits their petty selves to, I therefore take the pov that I would rather cater to those that treat me with the same courtesy & respect with which I treat them. And those petty others can think whatever the heck they like.
on โ23-10-2014 04:06 PM
@modestbods wrote:
Given I don't feel kindly to any persons that wish to regard me as dishonest when I'm not, simply because it suits their petty selves to, I therefore take the pov that I would rather cater to those that treat me with the same courtesy & respect with which I treat them. And those petty others can think whatever the heck they like.
I don't have the time,inclination,headspace or patience for a lengthy debate about this matter,but if you think that the above paragraph is what my aim or intention was in regarding you,then no it was certainly not.Maybe i read it wrong as i am hungry & feeling impatient right now.
I was merely stating that it is possible & has been done with private auctions.Not in every case,not by you as your viewpoint on it are quite legit & sensible. I accept your rationale on that,just to clear that one right up.
The O.P did not come back with an item no. or any more relevant info,so there is no point in just guessing or supposing & therefore is of no interest to me anymore.
โ23-10-2014 05:55 PM - edited โ23-10-2014 05:56 PM
@2011.narelle wrote:I don't have the time,inclination,headspace or patience for a lengthy debate about this matter,but if you think that the above paragraph is what my aim or intention was in regarding you,then no it was certainly not.Maybe i read it wrong as i am hungry & feeling impatient right now.
Oh no Narelle, I didn't think that at all. Sorry if I may have given that impression. What I was getting at was that neither of us should be worrying about this >> I wouldn't want bidders to wonder i am shill bidding my item up & deter that bidder from my auction.I hate it enough if i have a couple of 0fb bidding madly on a couple of items for the same reason.
I was just trying to point out to you, that as I've found in my experience there will always be those who will suspect you/us no matter what we do, so why bother even dwelling on what they may think. You know you're honest, those that know you also know it, that's all that matters, life's too short to worry on what those that don't know squat about you want to think.
I too worry about 0fbs bidding on my items, but my worry is about whether or not they've read the item description, or will they pay if they win. (Ofc in future my worry might also be "uh oh is this a poster from the boards I might have p'd off looking to get back at me with a big fat bogus neg?"... but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it )
on โ23-10-2014 06:45 PM