on โ20-11-2012 11:16 PM
I want to know how I lost.
I was bidding on an item. No-one else had placed a bid. At the very last second a bid came in and won. I have used Bidnapper etc to win at the last second too, but i though it only worked if you had placed at least one bid so the system recognised you. I had a Bidnap set too just incase, but so did this other person because it over ran my stealth bid, again all at the last second. They could'nt have bid twice in 2 seconds unless they were already in the system. But as I said I was the only one who had placed a bid according to the suction.
How did this happen? Hope this makes sense.
on โ20-11-2012 11:28 PM
Snipers can use a variety of programs without having to bid previously. Bidnap is only one of the range available.
Whatever time you bid, if you bid the most, you win. The other bidder wanted this more, unfortunately.
on โ21-11-2012 12:48 AM
They could'nt have bid twice in 2 seconds unless they were already in the system. But as I said I was the only one who had placed a bid according to the suction.
How did this happen? Hope this makes sense.
maybe they had two different snipe accounts to place their bids in the final seconds, just in case one of the snipe services wasn't working at the end of the auction. Therefore they make two bids within seconds.
Simple answer to your question how did this happen is that someone else bid higher than you did.
on โ21-11-2012 01:07 AM
You have answered your own question....in the last few seconds a bid was placed which was higher than yours.
And it does not have to be a snipe bid. I always bid manually in the last seconds of an auction.....sometimes as close as 2 seconds.
on โ21-11-2012 03:35 AM
yeah, quiet often i do the same, i will have my bid ready and with a few seconds left click confirm bid
on โ21-11-2012 06:51 AM
I use GIEEN to snipe and you don't need to have placed a bid previously for it to bid for you in the final seconds
on โ21-11-2012 06:51 AM
sorry typo :8} GIXEN
on โ21-11-2012 07:19 AM
I use Phantom and it bids as many as 4 bids in the 2 last seconds, even if nobody else bids.
on โ21-11-2012 11:21 PM
This is the answer is am looking for. I did'nt know that was possible.
''you don't need to have placed a bid previously for it to bid for you''
Sneaky! I'll have try that.
on โ21-11-2012 11:46 PM
There is nothing sneaky about it. Most experienced buyers bid in he last minutes for the auction, whether they use a sniping service or do it manually.