How do I report buyer for using a sniping program/app?

So how do I report someone who was obviously using a sniping app/program?


I was bidding on something, went down to the last few minutes, I was the highest bidder then with literally 1 second to go the bids jump to just over my highest, so unless this "person" ( I don't consider them people) has impeccable timing, I call bulls**t.


When ever I bid on stuff as soon as someone goes over my highest bid I get a notice, this never happened, so the only conclusion is them sniping, and any responses I see saying otherwise will be ignored.


So ebay, why do you let scum like this use your service, they should be banned for life for being  who can't  be content with being like the rest of us and instead make me and others want to do bodily harm to them.


So fix this, it isn't fair on people, I know you don't care, you get your money either way, but come one, you letting "people" do this is why so many people are leaving ebay, or not using the bidding system.

Message 1 of 48
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How do I report buyer for using a sniping program/app?

hey dallas.....

I bet you're a hoot at parties! Man Very Happy


..... because of your fantastic people skills and such........   Man Embarassed


I hope you don't give yourself an aneurysm, mate!


I'm a nurse, I think you had better take a break from bidding for a while, you know, for your health!


Man Wink Man Wink Man Wink


********* *********** *********** ************ ************ *********** ***********
Be Kind To Nurses....
They Stop The Doctors From Killing You.
Message 31 of 48
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How do I report buyer for using a sniping program/app?

Jane! Oh how I agree with everything you said. Life must be difficult when you have to nitpick everything. I won 5 auctions tonight and lost 1. The one I lost, the winning bidder had put on a higher bid earlier. The rest, I hit the button with 2 or 3 seconds to go. Those 5 all came in well under my high bid, so I feel like I've got a bargain!


I kinda get the feeling we won't be seeing the OP for awhile.
Message 32 of 48
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How do I report buyer for using a sniping program/app?

@*tippy*toes* wrote:


I kinda get the feeling we won't be seeing the OP for awhile.

I get the feeling that they won’t be back at all as they said as much in a post that I am not allowed to discuss as it would breach posting policy for discussing moderated/removed posts . . . . . . so I won’t discuss it Smiley Wink

Message 33 of 48
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How do I report buyer for using a sniping program/app?

I've been using AuctionSniper for years, I never bid manually - learnt my lesson a decade agowhen I got hit by a disgruntled under-bidder who I regularly out-bid: a large number of items came up, I put in a huge bid on each, he came in and bid a couple of dollars less. I got all the items, and around ten times what they'd normally go for. Cost me thousands...


Been using a sniper service ever since. Mad not to. The benefits far outweigh any costs or drawbacks - in the time I've been using it, I would have placed at least a thousand sniper bids, and I've had maybe a half-a-dozen not go through for technical reasons - server down (their fault, twice that I can recall), or change of eBay password not populated across in the sniper program (my fault, three or four items lost). 

Generally, saves me a bucket of money compared to "nibble bidding".

Message 34 of 48
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How do I report buyer for using a sniping program/app?

I personally don't use any snipe as I bid my max and leave it at that.

I'd probably end up having a heart attack with all that adrenalin pumping or even press the wrong amount (too high) lol.

Message 35 of 48
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How do I report buyer for using a sniping program/app?

@eezipeezi888 wrote:

I personally don't use any snipe as I bid my max and leave it at that.

I'd probably end up having a heart attack with all that adrenalin pumping or even press the wrong amount (too high) lol.

The shill bidders favourite.


Bidding your max to start with allows a shill bidder to "creep" up on your max amount and either stop before


they get there or bid more and then retract leaving you to pay your max).


That's why Ifirst started using a sniping service as the seller that I bought one of my first items from did exactly




A bit like these two keep doing for one seller,(no sanctions have happened to kerb it):


30-Day Summary
Total bids: 466
Items bid on: 202
Bid activity (%) with this seller: 91% Help
Bid retractions: 0
Bid retractions (6 months): 1



30-Day Summary
Total bids: 269
Items bid on: 237
Bid activity (%) with this seller: 95% Help
Bid retractions: 0
Bid retractions (6 months): 0



Message 36 of 48
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How do I report buyer for using a sniping program/app?

No one helped, my replies keep getting deleted by mods.

Message 37 of 48
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How do I report buyer for using a sniping program/app?

You were told many times that sniping (whether using a service or bidding in the last seconds) is perfectly legal. Didn't those answers give you your answer?


Again, nothing to report since no policies have been breached...................sigh.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 38 of 48
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How do I report buyer for using a sniping program/app?

@dallas_grant wrote:

No one helped, my replies keep getting deleted by mods.

You have marked your post as the solution but it's not the solution as it hasn't addresses your original question.


The posts could be getting removed if you put them in a way that it's with interpersonal intent at the posters


in this thread.


Numerous replies have stated that that it's legal to use a sniping service,(it doesn't matter if you agree or not


as no one can be reported for using a sniping service).


Also as stated by some posters is that they can maually snipe in the last few seconds of any auction and


any notice to say that you had been out bid would only inform you after the auction ended.


The ONLY way to win and auction is to have the highest bid in place when the auction ends,(by whatever


means you need to do so).


Ignore the replies in this thread and you are only going to be dissapointed in the future as you will lose more


auctions if you aren't the highest bidder,(the same as any other auction).


If you want to report anything to eBay via Customer Service then use this:


This gives you their direct links without having to go through their rigmarole:

eg: Call us,Call me,Chat with us and Email us.

Just keep in mind that Call us or Call me option are only available

during business hours,(8 am to 9 pm Mon to Fri and 8 am to

5 pm on Sat and Sun).







Message 39 of 48
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How do I report buyer for using a sniping program/app?

@dallas_grant wrote:

No one helped, my replies keep getting deleted by mods.

your replies were deleted because you must have been under the impression that it is okay to abuse members and try to disguise the abuse by using **** instead of letters in derogatory words (spectacularly unsuccessful I might add). 


It is not that nobody helped . . . . . . you just wont listen.


For the greatest chance of success in auctions, make sure you bid the highest amount you can afford as late in the auction as you can.  If someone bids higher than you then you do not win.   It really is that simple.


Now, if you just came here to vent . . . . . . then that is a whole nother story.

Message 40 of 48
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