on โ29-06-2014 04:02 PM
...every time i try, no matter which method, i get error 70002 page not available right now. What Gives??
And what is with ebay and the 'latest' news...??? it's June 29 and the most recent 'latest' news forum ends in May???
Lastly when i tried to use Ebay's tech support issue site i'm told - gues what? - it's not available?
Who is running this show anyway??
on โ29-06-2014 07:46 PM
Have you tried logging into Paypal, You used to be able to select ebay items to pay for but as I haven't used that feature for many years I don't know if it still exists.
on โ29-06-2014 08:08 PM
on โ06-07-2014 06:00 PM
Solved problem by checking a non-ebay site - if you use the shopping cart icon top right of ebay summary screen you get what you need to pay as per usual. Pay Now feature still not working - ebay M I A on this one.