on 01-06-2013 05:48 PM
I bought 4 x pairs of baby socks (each was one auction) and the postage from VIC to NSW was going to be $10 per pair. They 'discounted' it from $40 to $30. I asked a few questions and was given the okay to send my own pre-paid, pre-addressed 3kg bag (which cost me $11.70). Now they are refusing to put the bag in the post & want me to arrange collection. I"m in Sydney and they are in Melbourne.
I copied the part of the correspondence to ebay customer complaint.
(quote) Please organise some else to pick up this item and post it to you. I am sure you have experience with ebay and you know some people make extra money on postage just like i do. I will accept the plastic satchel but I am sorry I will not waste my time walking / drive to post the item this for nothing. Let me know when you have find the person to help you to post the item Thanks (end quote from seller)
Has anyone got a response from customer support about unfair behaivour/ bad service/ postage pirates?
note: I looked up their house on google maps and there is a post office less than 1km from their home. Love google maps.
on 07-06-2013 12:12 PM
DSR's on postage time are sure gonna take a hit, eh?
My buyers sometimes get antsy if something isn't posted the next day!
I often post the same day, never later than next business day, and one of our IDs has 4.9 on postage time. :_|
on 07-06-2013 12:45 PM
nova, sometimes I wonder if they want us to use Superman instead of Australia Post.
and I swear that some buyers think we have all been bitten by radioactive spiders and not only have phenomenal shipping capabilities but also that sharp spidey sense that enables us to read their minds!
on 07-06-2013 01:09 PM
on 07-06-2013 03:54 PM
oh Koops does this mean you miss out on coffee with your friend in Park Orchards? and we dont get any photos?
😞 sad face
on 07-06-2013 06:05 PM
on 15-06-2013 12:53 AM
is there any news on the socks?
on 15-06-2013 02:12 AM
Ask the fox in socks.....
on 20-06-2013 02:30 PM
The shoes have arrived ! the small one no longer has cold feet.
Now to leave feedback.
Thanks again to everyone for pitching in with advice and offers to pick up the shoes. *three cheers*
on 20-06-2013 03:27 PM
OMG,that looks like what I imagine Kopes looked like when he was even littler ^^^^^:O:O
(scratches head & wonders if there is such a word as littler)
on 20-06-2013 03:38 PM
OMG, I've been away from this thread for a week and didn't read the previous notes! that's what happens when you have 2 little ones under 3 (no time to msge buyer and say, oh gosh thanks for seeing reason and posting the pre-paid bag)
it took a little while but bag arrived with all 4 x pairs of socks/ mocassins.
Quite honestly I was freaked by the avarious and skewed messages between me and buyer. I thought a lot about the way I handled the early messages & whether I was being rude. Was only trying to be helpful but sometimes this doesn't come across in messages. mea culpa.
Didn't know it was a eBay wolf in lamb's clothing. (old seller in young sellers name)
If you start an auction at 99c you have to expect any price. I always tell friends, start at the price you are happy to part the item with. If the seller wanted $35 (the retail price) then they should have started the auction at a higher price. Seems I was pushed up in price anyway.
However, I am sooo grateful to everyone here, esps Kopes5, for advice, humour and offers to pick up ! would have loved 4 people to arrive and take one pair each 😛