on โ06-06-2014 09:55 AM
We had to remove this listing from the site and you're not required to complete the transaction. If you've already sent payment, the sale should process as normal and you don't have anything to worry about. If you have any questions about delivery, please check tracking or contact your seller. If you run into any trouble along the way eBay is here to help. Please visit the Resolution Centre to help resolve any problems you may encounter.
This is fine but no Phone or money back
on โ06-06-2014 10:16 AM
How did you pay?
How long ago did you win?
Has the phone had sufficient time to arrive? Has it been marked as sent?
Where is it coming from?
Have you contacted the seller?
If you payed by a payment method such as PayPal, you have buyer protection.
If you feel that you won't get your phone orn refund, go to PayPal and raise a claim for Item Not Received.
on โ06-06-2014 11:23 AM
on โ06-06-2014 02:35 PM
"If you've already sent payment, the sale should process as normal and you don't have anything to worry about."
Why do ebay keep writing this rubbish when most of the time, the listings they remove for phones, ipads etc are FRAUDULENT listings for NON EXISTENT items listed by SCAMMERS.
Log on to Paypal and open a dispute. Escalate to a claim as soon as the system allows.
Beware of spoof/phishing emails you may receive .
Don't open them and don't click on any links.
Run all your spyware, keylogging and virus protection and change your passwords regularly.
on โ06-06-2014 06:59 PM
Why do ebay keep writing this rubbish
Because if you have paid the fact the item has been removed has no effect on the normal claim process through Paypal or a credit card chargeback.
Very often an item is removed or a seller NARUd because of a failure to pay fees or to update a phone number in which case there is every chance the buyer may receive their item in good order.
While it is important to keep a careful eye on time limits etc and if you wish you can open a dispute immediately but if you escalate to a claim straight away and the seller can provide valid tracking to your address you may well lose the Paypal claim
on โ06-06-2014 07:54 PM
Same rubbish here IMO
"We had to remove this listing from the site and you're not required to complete the transaction. If you've already sent payment, the sale should process as normal and you don't have anything to worry about. If you have any questions about delivery, please check tracking or contact your seller "
In that thread , it was a no longer registered SCAMMER from Israel fraudulently listing non existent items.
"the listings they remove for phones, ipads etc are FRAUDULENT listings for NON EXISTENT items listed by SCAMMERS"
is based on the hundreds of fraudulent listings I report.
I don't have inside information regarding
"Very often an item is removed or a seller NARUd because of a failure to pay fees or to update a phone number"