Interesting relisting & bidding patterns!!!

Hi all,would appreciate some advice from regular posters.

I have been a bit quiet lately but found some cricket gear for junior,junior tuck& bid accordingly.

Then did my bumbling research on seller.

Following are some items which show very interesting bidding & sale patterns.






If one looks at completed listings & bidding history something is not kosher.

In the past I have poo pooed "shill bidding" alarmists but this looks like a duck & quacks like a duck!

Interestingly the seller posted on the boards on 15.07.14.with regard to not obtaining the price he would have liked.

Also during bidding sent a message asking what my highest bid would be & quoting the figure he was looking for.

I must have too much time on my handsl lately but would appreciate any input.

Message 1 of 18
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Interesting relisting & bidding patterns!!!

He keeps relisting items when they don't reach the price he wants.


But at least that's what I'm seeing -

He doesn't seem to be honouring auction sales


As an aside #111406236235  would all that lot post for $9.75?

Message 11 of 18
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Interesting relisting & bidding patterns!!!

No idea. I'm primarily a seller.


And I would never buy electronics from this site.

Message 12 of 18
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Interesting relisting & bidding patterns!!!

Jeepers dave, you asked about the kids cricket gear,

I give you the item number of said cricket gear and you give me -

@davewil1964 wrote:

No idea. I'm primarily a seller.


And I would never buy electronics from this site.


 Confused much?   I know I am

Message 13 of 18
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Interesting relisting & bidding patterns!!!

I don't generally do looking at specific listings. If the Op can't explain in words of less than 6 syllables, I can't be bothered. Even when specific item numbers are listed.


I provide generic advice.

Message 14 of 18
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Interesting relisting & bidding patterns!!!

Yeah - why use a big word, when a diminutive one will suffice

Message 15 of 18
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Interesting relisting & bidding patterns!!!

Indubitably spot on.

Message 16 of 18
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Interesting relisting & bidding patterns!!!

@davewil1964 wrote:

I don't generally do looking at specific listings. If the Op can't explain in words of less than 6 syllables, I can't be bothered. Even when specific item numbers are listed.


I provide generic advice.

Hi Dave,

Many thanks for the "generic advice".

Any charge for the side serving of superioty & sarcasm?

Please accept my apologies for my verbosity!

Funny, I don't recall mentioning "kids" cricket gear but then again I guess an almost 25yr.old is still a kid.

Message 17 of 18
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Interesting relisting & bidding patterns!!!

Now I am totally confused. Are we discussing Davewil's cricket gear for kids or are we talking about tuckcase's cricket gear for baby goats?

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 18 of 18
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