on 22-05-2016 09:18 PM
If this message said - "Do you want to buy this item from a Seller in Australia?" - I would be fine with it. I buy from Sellers who might not be Naturalised Aussies yet or might be from overseas. All I want it a quality product at a good price, a fair price for postage and packaging and sent in good time. To me this runs very close to discrimination. What next? Do I only want to buy from Women? Or only Men? A certain age group?
Perhaps I am too sensitive but I try to reverse things to see how a potential Seller would feel if they were culled from the Selling Arena because they are not Aussie. I would be hurt and rather indignant.
If no-one else is uncomfortable with this I will just continue to ignore it (which is what I am doing now).
22-05-2016 09:38 PM - edited 22-05-2016 09:42 PM
Is anyone else finding the message of Buy this Item from an Aussie Seller rather uncomfortable?
Not at all.
Buy Australian has been a long time campaign to secure a future for our children.
Buyers on eBay are sick of having to trawl through so many Chinese and other country listings stating items are located here that the message is out. And if some choose to use that as a selling point, I see nothing wrong with it.
If it's an eBay message, they may also have realized Aussies like to buy local if they can have offered another tool.
(I haven't seen the nature of the message)
Edit - As dave says if it's only Aus Reg sellers, it won't have anything to do with being personal.
on 22-05-2016 09:39 PM
It means an Australian registered seller. And only applies to new items. It cuts out all the OS sellers who list on the Australian site.
Yes, you are too sensitive.
22-05-2016 10:04 PM - edited 22-05-2016 10:06 PM
Buyers are being given the option to more easily support local sellers.
Unfortunately, the behaviour of some foreign sellers in pretending to be local, has offended some buyers here. As well as being against eBay policy.
It is not a racial thing. It is designed to do what other ideas in the past were for: "Australian made" labels are no more racist.
It gives us a choice to support not just Australian sellers, but everyone here as they pay local taxes...hire locals...there are good reasons to support an "Aussie seller" over an overseas one.
It's location, not Australian/naturalised/born here, or anything of that nature.
on 23-05-2016 10:16 AM
Hi Kathleen
I see what you are saying about the wording. I didn't ever notice it before to have an opinion one way or the other. Now, I think I would not be overly concerned by it.
I think multi-culturalism and acceptance is good. You have shown this to be something you care about and your observation is a good one. I don't think you are being over-sensitive, at the same time I don't think this phrasing is necessarily wrong. Especially since it says "Aussie" which to me is more of a cultural reference rather than about nationality. In a sense, someone could be "Aussie"(-ish) without being a citizen.
If you feel the wording could/should be changed then send some feedback to ebay itself expressing your concerns and suggested solution. Unfortunately ebay is notorious for ignoring all unsolicited feedback and suggestions (and plenty of solicited replies!) But you never know.
on 23-05-2016 11:03 AM
I don't have this option on my search results, but from what I have seen from others who posted a screenshot, there is nothing to suggest that it means "only buy from a white Australian seller". Sorry if I offend, but I am so sick of people pulling the race card on absolutely everything in life these days. If the message said "only buy from white Australians", then yes, there would be an issues, but it doesn't.
There is nothing racist or bigoted about wanting to buy something from Australia. If someone was Asian, black, middle eastern, South American and they live in Australia, regardless of whether they are naturalised, then their items will show up (if their items are listed as new). There is nothing racist about wanting to buy from these people in our country.
Yes, you are being too sensitive and reading something into something that's not there.
on 23-05-2016 12:40 PM
Maybe if they add based in between the two words then it would make a lot more sense as then it would be:
Buy from an Aussie Based Seller,(which is what that message is trying to convey).
on 23-05-2016 02:10 PM
@go-tazz wrote:Maybe if they add based in between the two words then it would make a lot more sense as then it would be:
Buy from an Aussie Based Seller,(which is what that message is trying to convey).
I don't know. They sound the same to me. Aussie seller means a seller in Australia It can't really mean anything else. An Australian living in the US is a US seller. Aussie based seller means the same thing. Sadly, some people over analyse everything so they can scream racism or bigotry.
on 23-05-2016 05:15 PM
would that be anything like,
buy from a genuine black seller.
he sells black shirts, black trousers, black hats, black socks, black hair dye, black paint....
on 23-05-2016 05:31 PM
Don't mention paint!