on 25-05-2016 01:05 PM
Ebay must be having problems again I received a confirmation of my bid saying I was still the highest bidder at 99c on an item that I had already bid on and it had accepted my new bid of $75 some seconds before an auction ended.
Then it sent me another screen saying I had been outbid at 2.25
When I checked the bidding history the other bidder had made the bid 1minute 12 seconds before the end of the auction. I was refreshing my screen etc but that bid had not come through on eBay they obviously had issues.
I would think it was something to do with my server if I had not received the confirmation screen. Oh how I wish I took a screen shot!!
Something similar happened to me about a year ago when it told me I had won an item and then a split second later said you have been outbid. They need to fix these gremlins for both buyers and sellers.
Of course I contacted them and got a lesson about how the highest bidder wins, Yeah right. But as I am also having issues with the watch list showing up in the wrong amounts I am concerned that they are linked. Do they care - Of course not - they get their fees any which way - Customer satisfaction NIL
on 25-05-2016 01:58 PM
on 25-05-2016 02:52 PM
i have no idea what went wrong for you.
i allways bid once, my highest amount i'm willing to spend, with aprox 10 seconds from end of auction.
has worked well the past 10 years, only been out bid a couple of times.
of course your internet speed must be ok doing this.
on 25-05-2016 03:02 PM