Is it acceptable that I should have to tend to my 8 year-old child's shock when I search Ebay?

Community Member

Is it acceptable that I should have to tend to my 8 year-old child's shock, and possible seek physhological counselling, when I search Ebay using an utterly innocent and highly appropriate search term such as 'large newtonian balls'? Should Ebay have the right to expose such graphics and imagery to my child? Go ahead! Search the clearly ligitimate term 'large newtonian balls', but DO NOT have your children nearby!!!  I mean, should Ebay NOT have a category that requests sellers to mark their product as SENSITIVE, so as to WARN parents, who have their children sitting with them, while searching for products for them! When you do the search:\


large newtonian balls


make sure you scroll down and have a good look at all the adult parapernalia, and even dare to click the links to find out what OTHER products your children will potentially be seeing!


EBAY = this is NOT ON!     FIX IT!     FAST.

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Is it acceptable that I should have to tend to my 8 year-old child's shock when I search Ebay?

@4channel wrote:


Tabitha is on the shopping go round and she sees something that is disgusting and racist and she speaks to her partner Jake about it. Jake said to  forget it and just move on.

Pratibha is on the same street and comes past that shop. She sees the same thing and is alarmed!  She speaks to her boyfriend Lars about it. Lars says ....  "Hey, that's totally uncool. I'm going to do something about this and this joint needs a wake up."

After a while when more of the Pratibha and Lars types take action, the shop is forced to lift their game.


The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King achieved amazing things when people spoke out and did something. That should never be forgotten.


None of that has ANYTHING to do with this post and is yet another attempt to insert something that is totally different to what the post is about.


BTW: If anything can be done to protect kids from adult sexual content or whatever then why not do it. In the bigger picture there's more to gain than lose.

It's quite easy in that it's up to the ADULTS to stop allowing CHILDREN on eBay as they are not allowed to be on the site.

NOT eBay's fault but the ADULTS that allow children to view things on eBay as when each one signed up there was a little check box to say that they were over 18.

You are familiar with eBay only being allowed to be accessed by those that are over 18 as well as almost anything of an adult nature is allowed to be shown to those over 18 so eBay are breaking no "rules".good.gif


Therefore eBay has to do NOTHING to "fix" anything that was brought up by the Op.Corny_cleaning-glasses.gif

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